Earth’s Crammed with Heaven
And every Common Bush
Afire with God
But only he who sees
Takes off His Shoes


A wild bunch of hooligans . . .
read past bios here


“Anything you can do, I can do better” is Nate’s motto in life, and he proves it daily. He keeps up with his older brothers by going faster and farther. He is rarely found without his best buddy, Roo, and I had a hard time finding pictures of him when they weren’t together. He also belongs to a wild gang of boys who wander our neighborhood, getting food from whoever’s pantry is closest (whether they have children or not), and one upping each other on their swimming, climbing, monkey bars, and trampolines. Nate is a lover, not a fighter though, and he loves to snuggle.


Roo is the peacemaker among these wild things. He is easy going and happy to play with who ever is in the room. He is too darn smart for his own good, and enjoys helping the other kids at school when he’s done with his work. That gives him a lot of confidence and some great leadership skills. I am regularly pulled aside by a parent (of usually a girl) telling me how their child gushes over Andrew. These days he’s still decided between being a professional basketball or baseball player. He has also recently taken up the camera, and is learning all he can from his big brother.


When Everett started middle school he asked, in all sincerity and with real trepidation, what the worst grade he could get without having to do summer school was. I think he surprised himself when he managed straight A’s the entire year. Not only is he a star student, he’s a star in the school play as well! Add to that student council, piano, Chinese, and an amazing knack at building most anything he decides (taser, anyone?) and I see a bright future for this kid. The best thing about Everett is how fully gentle and squishy his heart is. His sensitivity to others melts me on a daily basis.



Calvin excels at everything he does. An amazing photographer (he took this self portrait!), an accomplished mountain biker, an excellent piano player (mamma’s favorite thing is to hear the kids playing on the piano), and a straight A student, Calvin has the reputation of being the guy to call when you want something done. He holds multiple jobs for multiple neighbors (mow my lawn, feed my horses, watch my dogs, water my plants!). Calvin is driven and focused with ambition to boot. He’s taking the medical path in high school as he hopes to someday pursue a career in medicine.


Olivia has a spirit of adventure and independence with a gentle heart. This has taken her to become a rodeo queen, horse-back riding, Chinese speaking, piano playing, star student, favorite sister and cousin, leader among her peers. She maintains the standard busy teenager schedule, but when we do have her at home, she is often found studying at the dining room table for one of her many honors, AP, or even post-AP courses, or playing with her little brothers on the trampoline. In her spare time she loves to rescue kittens and tease her dad.


Motherhood has been the greatest joy of my life. Each one of these dear, and lovely souls make me laugh every day. They make the light seem brighter, and the dark seem smaller in the world, and their goodness inspires me to give more, to be more, than I was the day before. “Creating” our family has been my favorite project ever, and I love thinking about how to create a culture of fun, traditions, and memories that will bind us together, forever.


Wyatt was once described as person who sucked the marrow out of life. And I think that is really true. Wyatt is only guilty of trying to do too much to love those around him and make their lives better. Whether he’s meeting with employees in a board room, installing a new roof for a neighbor, or planning the next big trip for the kids, Wyatt keeps life moving forward in big, fun and loving ways! It’s no wonder he’s everyone’s favorite . . . including the cat’s.

Le Blog

The latest episodes on our life adventure.
➤ October 7, 2024

Rested the Sabbath Day

This morning I read Luke 23 – the crucifixion of Christ. It struck me this morning that after a very dramatic scene, a very emotional and difficult story, of Christ’s crucifixion on the cross –…

The Rest of the Story
Adventures ➤ September 7, 2024

Time to Catch Up (Ketchup?)

Everett’s birthday Everett’s baptism Raking the leaves House Projects (Fence and Loft) Halloween Carnival Olivia Graduates from Primary Olivia’s Birthday Halloween Taking Olivia to the temple The Bunny Story Happenings of Fall Thailand Part I…

The Rest of the Story
About Anj

About Anj

Andrea Christensen, Mamma

I’m a wife and mother of five, a book reader and a think thinker, a painter and photographer, and adventurer at heart.
I see God in everything.