The First Day of School
The amount of tears I’ve shed in the past six weeks knowing this day was coming is unreal. Also, yesterday I told Olivia I was going to follow her to school and video her getting...
The Rest of the StoryThe amount of tears I’ve shed in the past six weeks knowing this day was coming is unreal. Also, yesterday I told Olivia I was going to follow her to school and video her getting...
The Rest of the StoryEverett opted to do soccer instead of baseball this spring. I was worried. I wondered if he’d really like it. I worried he’d trade a fun thing like baseball for a boring thing like soccer....
The Rest of the StoryThe week of ‘Rona. On Monday night I went out with the Everett, but I really kinda felt weird. On Tuesday I went garden shopping. But I just didn’t feel great. That afternoon I finally...
The Rest of the StoryStarting on Sunday – After learning that aunt Leslee had some baby kitties, the kids tried to convince Dad we needed another cat. Monday – Nate showed up his older sibs with his latest award....
The Rest of the StoryOn Monday when the Sun is Hot -. I cleaned the house and worked out and took a nap. On Tuesday when it Hails & Snows- I took Nate-O-Potato to lunch. Because a lunch date...
The Rest of the StoryWhile mommy and dad are out of town to see Bruce for an epic weekend in Denver . . . The kids had all sorts of fun! The word on the street is that Everett...
The Rest of the StoryWe have a lot of basketball happening around here. Nate is on a J.Jazz team with games every Monday night. Roo is on a J.Jazz team with the same neighborhood boys as forever, with games...
The Rest of the StoryRoo graduates from DARE! Corner Canyon loses in the state championship football game to Skyridge, 7-17. A&W went to the Jazz game with the Lakers Roo went to Winnie’s birthday party. We DIDN’T do a...
The Rest of the StoryEverett had a mighty big week this week! 1- He tried out for and had call backs for the school play! Last year he was in the play “Suessical” as part of the ensemble. This...
The Rest of the StoryOh my heart is squishy and full. I love this kid just so. so. so. much. He’s in the throes of middle school, with all the horrible-ness that that is, and my heart regularly bleeds...
The Rest of the StoryAnother summer has come and gone. I’m never ever ready for school to begin again. I love the days when all of le bebes are home with me (in theory if not in practice). But...
The Rest of the StoryIt’s one of those weird things where the whole time I’m thinking: “This is BAAAAD parenting.” But still . . . they had some good fun (and plenty of traumatic tears). Everett, Roo and Nate...
The Rest of the StoryEverett had a wonderful finish to his Elementary school career. He graduated on May 21, 2021. I’m so proud of him! On to bigger things! (Middle school, blech.)
The Rest of the StoryFor Everett’s baptism pictures we went up to the Draper Temple, which is a short 3 minute drive from our house. It’s neat to live so close to the temple, it blesses our lives! Look...
The Rest of the StoryThe most special event of all of 2017 was watching Everett get baptized. It’s a monumental occasion to see my children making sacred covenants. We tried to make it a special day for him! So...
The Rest of the Story2017 is a big year for our family! And one of the highlights of the year was that Everett would turn 8! (It’s a big deal!) We sure love our Everett. He has the kindest...
The Rest of the StoryThis year Calvin and Everett played football. I think they had a lot of fun and learned a lot on their respective teams. We enjoyed spending the evenings at the park watching them play.
The Rest of the StoryCalvin and Everett started school. Here are their cute back to school pictures. Haha!
The Rest of the StoryEverett was baptized on October 15th, 2017. He was baptized by his dad, and we had lots of friends and family come to support him and us. I do so love this boy with all...
The Rest of the StoryEverett’s birthday fell on a Sunday. Still, we woke up and opened presents first thing (always presents first thing!). Then we went to church, and then we came home and continued to celebrate our special,...
The Rest of the StoryWyatt and I took Everett on a date to the new Hale Center Theater to see “Forever Plaid.” It was so much fun, and Everett even got a sombrero as part of the play. It...
The Rest of the StoryThis spring we had Olivia playing softball in the Sandy/Draper league – Calvin playing baseball in Little League- Everett and Andrew in Draper fishing club – And Roo playing soccer for the Draper league. We’ve...
The Rest of the StoryThis year Everett will be baptized. In the old neighborhood every child had their own baptism (part of having very few children and two fonts in the stake). Here we have stake baptisms where all...
The Rest of the StoryToday is Everett’s 7th Birthday! I can’t believe he’s only seven. I really don’t remember life without that sweet boy. Observations about Ev: I really feel like he has the most gigantic soul of anyone...
The Rest of the StoryOne afternoon I needed some stuff that was at the cabin. I didn’t have all day, so we just ran a quick errand to get it. When we got there we had just a half...
The Rest of the StoryHeidi and Alea and Weston came up to the cabin to play one day. We played at the river, had a seriously yummy bbq and otherwise spent the day playing and relaxing. We even went down to...
The Rest of the StoryAn exciting thing has happened at the cabin this week – On Monday we were there, playing at the river by the entrance into our HOA. The river frontage is owned by the HOA,...
The Rest of the StoryLast night when everyone else was in bed, Everett came in to talk to us. He told us he was worried because he still didn’t know how to repent. Two weeks ago he confessed to...
The Rest of the StoryThis year we decided to play spring ball rather than summer ball – we’re trying to have less busyness in the summer. Olivia is playing softball in a draper league. Her games are Monday’s and...
The Rest of the StoryHere’s some recent stories about my kid-o’s. A Boy Has a Crush on Olivia: We were at the pinewood derby the other night and Tyler Pierson, and little neighborhood boy in Olivia’s grade, was there....
The Rest of the StoryEverett won yet another award (the third this year, by my count) and is the student of the month. This month’s focus is Safety and Everett was described by his teacher as a student who...
The Rest of the StoryMy kids like to exercise every once in a while. I tell them kids exercise by playing and climbing and being outside. But sometimes they want to exercise like their dad.
The Rest of the StoryEverett broke a board in Tae Kwon Do! He’s super proud of himself, I would be too if I were him!
The Rest of the StoryIt’s been a while since I’ve had the thought that martial arts could be especially well suited to Everett. He is my most sensitive and sweet child, and I thought some form of martial arts...
The Rest of the StoryOne day this week Everett came bounding off the bus with a giant grin on his face. He won an award. Not to be all braggy and stuff, but . . . obviously. He received...
The Rest of the StoryEverett and Calvin both got gift certificates for good behavior that earned them a desert at a local restaurant. I’m so glad my boys were caught being good! 😉
The Rest of the StoryI love taking the babies to Gardener Village to take picture of them in their cute Halloween Costumes. This year I decided just to take the kiddos that aren’t in school (at least, at school...
The Rest of the StoryHappy Happy Birthday, Cutie Cutie EJO! We love you, oh yes we do!
The Rest of the StoryEverett finished preschool on May 22nd. He had his preschool program and we said good bye to his friends. At the end of the summer, he knows, he will go to kindergarten; ride the bus...
The Rest of the StoryThis one should never be forgotten. I think I had it written down years ago. It may be one that was lost in a site-failure. And then I remembered it, and searched my site, but can’t...
The Rest of the StoryLast summer we took the kids on a hike up to Timp Cave. The hike itself went incredibly smoothly considering we were taking 4 young children while I was seven months pregnant. But towards the...
The Rest of the StoryOne morning I stood at the sink washing the dishes. I overheard Olivia, making a paper folding fortune game for Everett. She asked him, “what fortune do you want here?” So Everett answered without hesitation:...
The Rest of the StoryI remember learning this poem in 8th grade. I still think of it every time I see the spring blossoms, and wonder how many more springtime’s I will see. Loveliest of Trees Loveliest of trees,...
The Rest of the StoryI didn’t do too many home-made Christmas projects this year . . . but I did do a few 😉 The grandest one of all was Everett’s teepee. He was quite pleased to have a...
The Rest of the StoryToday was the primary program. Olivia had a piano solo, a group singing solo and two parts. (It’s the Olivia Show I told her when she told me of her participation. She only smiled.) And...
The Rest of the StoryThe weekend after Halloween was a sugary hangover of bliss. Candy and wrappers were everywhere, and everyone was jovial. But one thing that struck me was the generosity of my children. “Mom, have this!” they...
The Rest of the StoryWe kick off October with the celebration of Everett’s birthday. He was so excited, after patiently (or not so patiently) watching all of his brothers have their birthdays for the year. Now it was his...
The Rest of the StoryPart of the pain of watching his brothers have their birthdays was enduring their birthday parties! (Their friends, their games, their presents . . . it was almost too much to bear!) So when Everett’s...
The Rest of the StoryWe kick off October with the celebration of Everett’s birthday. He was so excited, after patiently (or not so patiently) watching all of his brothers have their birthdays for the year. Now it was his...
The Rest of the StoryWednesday was (kinda) Everett’s first day of preschool. It was more of an open-house where you came, parents stayed, and you left when ever you decided you were done. It was more to get to...
The Rest of the StoryWednesday was (kinda) Everett’s first day of preschool. It was more of an open-house where you came, parents stayed, and you left when ever you decided you were done. It was more to get to...
The Rest of the StoryI started working on back to school dinner a couple weeks ago – I started with our theme painting. I spent several hours over a couple days working on this painting – but it never...
The Rest of the StoryOn Wednesday (the last day of school/first day of summer) our friend Stephanie invited all the neighborhood kids to her house for a school’s out ice cream party. Olivia was sick, but I thought once...
The Rest of the StoryEverett has been begging since last fall for his training wheels to be taken off and for us to teach him to ride the bike . . . we finally did it. In just a...
The Rest of the StoryThere have been a few really great stories about the kid-a-roos these days . . . Olivia: She came home the other afternoon to see the new Ensign and Friend sitting unopened on the counter...
The Rest of the StoryThis was the year Everett really seemed to grasp the concept of “Birthday.” Man, oh man, he was excited. As soon as the Sunday before his birthday hit, he announced to all that he was...
The Rest of the StoryThis month I’ve felt like a chicken running around with my head cut off – I’ve been to busy that Halloween really snuck up on me! Last week I finally made the kids nail down...
The Rest of the StoryOne fun afternoon we went with our friends, Jill, Drake, Ila and Harvey to Hollywood Connection. H.C. is one of those places with dizzying rides that spin you up, down, in, out, and...
The Rest of the StoryOne of our family traditions is having a back to school dinner for the little lovelies. This is a time to celebrate the kids, acknowledge their accomplishments, and look forward to all they have ahead...
The Rest of the StoryLittle Roo-Bee He is such a tease. This morning he took Everett’s blanket on purpose, and just held it, ready to run, looking at Everett, and laughing! He giggles constantly. He is my little yellow...
The Rest of the StoryIt’s the weekend before Halloween, so really, what do I expect?! Friday Calvin and his preschool class went on a field trip to Gardiner Village to see the witches. What fun! Friday afternoon we went...
The Rest of the StoryLittle Everett turned 3. I can hardly believe it – that he’s only 3. I don’t remember life before Everett. He is such a sweet boy. He loves and feels things deeply. He’s sensitive and...
The Rest of the StoryIt is his very favorite.
The Rest of the StoryEverett loves Calvin. Theirs is a love/brother relationship. Full of cuddles and fighting and “battles” and make-believe. They have so much fun together. Everyone has a place in Everett’s universe, and everyone is important in...
The Rest of the StoryEverett began potty training this week. He has done really amazingly well. He pooped and urinated in the toilet in the first two hours after we started. I think he’s been ready for a while...
The Rest of the StorySamples of conversations I had today: Calvin: Mom, you should get me some video games. Me: Why? Calvin: Because big kids like video games and I’m trying to act like a big kid. Everett: How...
The Rest of the StoryThis story was told to me tonight by Wyatt after the fact: Wyatt had had a bad day, and while I was at the store, he came in to change for Bishopric, and Everett was...
The Rest of the StoryLast week we went to the splash park. The kids were all so excited to go, but somehow the thrill wore off for Everett as soon as we got out of the car. He...
The Rest of the StoryWe went fishing the other night – our first trip of the year. We just went to a local pond. We had no luck. But the kids admired the fish of others, and had fun...
The Rest of the StoryAnd he put his blankie over my legs, then turned and grabbed my hands, putting my two fingers into my own mouth, before turning back and and resting in satisfaction against my shoulder. He just...
The Rest of the Story“You forgot the question mark” was the first thing he said when he saw it. “No I didn’t. It’s more of a statement than a question.” On Monday they spent the afternoon preparing our valentines...
The Rest of the Storyas a herse goes by . . . Because, well, you know.
The Rest of the StorySweet boy . . . I have this panicked desire to record who you are at age one/two. I want to remember how your legs are so chubby, and your hands are always sticky. I...
The Rest of the StoryCalvin: Mommy, it takes a long time for you tummy to get small. As long as it takes for a new baby to get here. Me: You’re right. But my tummy is already a little...
The Rest of the StoryAs a final hurrah we went to the Dinosaur Museum one last time. It was, as always, tons of fun. Afterward we got ice cream played in a kid water feature that I never knew...
The Rest of the StoryI went {a little} crazy at the end of my pregnancy with Everett. I was so excited but had some severe nesting issues (my next post will be about how I decided to repaint the...
The Rest of the StoryWhen the nurse finally said I could start pushing, I asked Wyatt to hand me my camera. I had already been instructing him on some pictures I wanted – you know, where to stand,...
The Rest of the StoryEverett was due October 1st, 2009. I was greatly anticipating his arrival, and was – perhaps – the most antsy I’ve ever been with the anticipation of a birth. Olivia had come right on her...
The Rest of the StoryCalvin started swimming lessons today. Olivia would have too, but you know, impetigo. Anyhow, he did great – blowing bubbles, floating on his back, smiling for his mamma when she wanted a picture. Mmm ....
The Rest of the StoryOn Monday; when the sun is hotI wonder to myself a lot:“Now is it true, or is it not,“That what is which and which is what?” On Tuesday, when it hails and snows,The feeling on...
The Rest of the StoryThis is boy, Everett. He is: well, he’s a lot of things. He can kill you with his withering scowls. He can warm you with his mischievious grin. He has the most frustrating sense of...
The Rest of the StoryIf you have a hankerin’ for S’mores And bedtime stories by the fire And the company of a trusty ol’ pal And a brother If you want to sleep in a bag right on the...
The Rest of the StoryFriday was Zoo Day for Olivia’s preschool. She was very excited. She got to wear a special zoo day shirt (to help teachers keep track of kids) and bring her own lunch (a Lunchable, no...
The Rest of the StoryTRAVELOGUE – very boring, unless you’re me and want to remember these details forever. AND EVER. Sometime back in February I think, I made a vague mention that maybe we would go to Disneyland ....
The Rest of the StoryLook closely at this pile of laundry. Happiness is a baby boy who sucks on his fingers. Happiness is stopping by the store to find Christmas gifts on a great sale! Happiness is having Carrie...
The Rest of the StoryThe Rest of the Story
Baby Everett had his first birthday. Mmm . . . baby yum. For his birthday I made him two cakes – one for eating, and one for SMASHING! We had a little party for him,...
The Rest of the StoryDearEST, Today Olivia learned about dinosaurs at pre-school. She came home with a pill that “grew” into a dinosaur in water. She brought one home for Calvin too. That’s just like her to think of...
The Rest of the StoryAh, little Everett, I LOVE YOU! [youtube]
The Rest of the StoryThursday night was spent pacing the floors with little Ejo, who was regurgitating regularly. There was no fever, nor any other symptom of blech, but the vomit was convincing. Friday morning came bright and early....
The Rest of the StoryThursday night Carrie and I sat up talking, when suddenly we heard Everett crying from his room. Not just crying – screaming in a panicked sort of way. We jumped up to go to him....
The Rest of the StoryDear, and sweet Everett, You are so close to walking. So close! You stand in the middle of the room, no crutch of support near you. You don’t even notice. When something is out of...
The Rest of the StoryIt was the day! First, four wheeling up at Beaver Springs. Then, dinner at the diner. Then, drumroll please . . . Everett’s first Rodeo! It was a lovely evening. *Sigh.* Leslee & Jason, Jared,...
The Rest of the StoryCalvin playing with Everett: This little piggy played inside This little piggy had time out This little piggy played outside AND THIS LITTLE PIGGY RIDES FOUR WHEELERS!!!!!!!!
The Rest of the StoryThis was me: 6:22 am . . . really? REALLY? REALLY? Walk in from working out. Come around the corner to catch Cal doing this. Kissy kissy bye bye hubby. Baby Sunshine comes down, wild...
The Rest of the StoryWe went on an evening hike with our friends, the Fletchers & Sparks. I’ve never heard of this waterfall before, but it was a mo’ easy hike: short not steep short Awesome Afterwards: Snow Cones...
The Rest of the StoryEverett was given the green light for solid foods at his checkup last week. It’s a good thing too. Whenever I am eating something, he flails his arms and body, wanting so deperatley to pull...
The Rest of the StoryThis was the week. I felt it. It had to be this week. There were pressing issues. It started on Monday and didn’t go well. Tuesday and Wednessday didn’t fare any better. When I awoke...
The Rest of the StoryEverett sprouted two teeth. TWO TEETH. 3 months is a little young. He just grabbed my finger and pulled it to his mouth . . . I was mostly asleep when he did it. But...
The Rest of the StoryThis year I tackled quite a few home-made gifts. Every couple years I do a lot of home-made stuff, and then I remember not to do it again! While the projects are fun, it’s hard...
The Rest of the StoryHave yourself a Merry Little Christmas let your heart be light From now on our troubles will be out of sight Through the years we all will be together if the fates allow Hang a...
The Rest of the StoryToday I was walking up the stairs after changing the laundry (HATE LAUNDRY) and I looked across the room at the stockings. “We should take a picture of Everett in a stocking” I said aloud....
The Rest of the StoryThis morning Wyatt finally came up to our room after sleeping on the couch all night. “What is that?” he asked? I didn’t even open my eyes. “Spit up.” I told him. “Go get a...
The Rest of the StoryWe made cookies with our friend Braydon. Awesome. We took rides on the four wheeler. We discovered our phone camera and used it to take lots of random fun pictures when we were out playing...
The Rest of the Story“Children are an heritage of the Lord” (Psalms 127:3). Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, to teach them to love...
The Rest of the StoryI made these a few weeks ago (actually started them two nights before Everett was born). They are just little bibs and burp rags. I made the front out of fun blue and brown flannel...
The Rest of the Story