The First Letter to Olivia
After dropping Olivia off at the MTC, I came home and just couldn’t bear it. I had to write Olivia a letter. It’s like I forget to tell her how much I’d miss her. So...
The Rest of the StoryAfter dropping Olivia off at the MTC, I came home and just couldn’t bear it. I had to write Olivia a letter. It’s like I forget to tell her how much I’d miss her. So...
The Rest of the StorySUNDAY, DECEMBER 18 – MONDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2022 For the second leg of our Christmas trip, we rented a “seven passenger” (let’s be honest, it was more like a 4 passenger car in the US)...
The Rest of the StoryIn the fall of 2022 we found some really great airfare to Paris over Christmas. Emily Elmer had been inviting us for years to come stay with her in Germany, and she was down to...
The Rest of the StoryThis post is written 4 years after the pandemic, in Septmeber, 2024. These are my memories of those days and happenings. So here’s how I remember it – in the news there were reports of...
The Rest of the StoryOlivia received her mission call this week! I am so happy and excited for her. Of course we had to have multiple celebrations and openings. She received the call on Tuesday afternoon. The day before...
The Rest of the StoryEverett’s birthday Everett’s baptism Raking the leaves House Projects (Fence and Loft) Halloween Carnival Olivia Graduates from Primary Olivia’s Birthday Halloween Taking Olivia to the temple The Bunny Story Happenings of Fall Thailand Part I...
The Rest of the StoryIt was going to be an extra busy summer with Calvin riding his bike in extra races, and Olivia and Calvin both holding down jobs. Plus, we just couldn’t figure out where we wanted to...
The Rest of the StoryOlivia graduated from high school (sniff). There were so many exciting things to wrap up her senior year – awards ceremonies, seminary graduation, photo shoots with friends, parties to go to. We’re so excited for...
The Rest of the StoryWe always went to Disneyland every third year. It seemed to be the right amount of time between trips – enough that we all missed it when it was time to go again. But this...
The Rest of the StoryOn Wednesday Nate and I went on a field trip with his 3rd grade class to +E (Pronounced “Cross E”) Ranch, in North Salt Lake. We played on the playground, saw some animals, got lost...
The Rest of the StoryThe amount of tears I’ve shed in the past six weeks knowing this day was coming is unreal. Also, yesterday I told Olivia I was going to follow her to school and video her getting...
The Rest of the StoryIn February Wyatt and I went to a concert in Denver and stayed with Andi. While I was there she reminded me (again) that she wants me to come out with my kids. She’s invited...
The Rest of the StoryAh, Summer Vaction – so lovely, so hard. A: Where should we go on vaction? W: Alaska cruise! A: Yes! . . . oh, no, too expensive. A: Lake in Idaho! W: Boring A: Big...
The Rest of the StoryWe were out staining the fence when our neighbor walked over to us. “Max Roberts just drowned.” she informed us. I drew a blank. Who was Max Roberts? What did she mean ‘drowned?’ How was...
The Rest of the StoryEverett went to cousin Andrew’s house late Sunday evening. Olivia left for girls camp bright and early on Monday morning. This left just Calvin, Roo & Nate home for the week. On Monday we went...
The Rest of the StoryEverett opted to do soccer instead of baseball this spring. I was worried. I wondered if he’d really like it. I worried he’d trade a fun thing like baseball for a boring thing like soccer....
The Rest of the StoryIt was another great year of baseball! Roo was on the A’s and Nate was on the Mariners. Roo was playing as the youngest on his team (there were several kids in 7th grade on...
The Rest of the StoryOur first week of summer was loads of fun! Olivia, Calvin and Everett were gone to FSY, so Nate, Roo and I hung out all week. We went to Cowabunga Bay, and the Treehouse, and...
The Rest of the StoryAnother school year has come and gone. And the saddest and most exciting thing is that Andrew graduated from Elementary school. I really can’t believe he’s done at Draper. I love love love this darling...
The Rest of the StoryIt was time for our annual summer kickoff BBQ. We planned it for the Friday that school got out, but plans started to unravel (or formulate, depending) and so we moved it to the Sunday...
The Rest of the StoryElaine Earl passed away. My heart skipped a beat when I learned that. Elaine . . . gracious, thoughtful, poised, composed. She was near death for as long as I knew her. Longer. When her...
The Rest of the StoryPhew! With ACT’s, AP’s, and Prom behind her, Olivia set her sights to her upcoming rodeo season. This meant I needed to get her a rodeo out fit ready. To be fair, she had been...
The Rest of the StoryOlivia went to Prom with a boy named JJ Pratt. He was (is) by all accounts a really really nice kid, who apparently plays the piano like a rock star. Olivia was happy to go...
The Rest of the StoryRoo & Nate surprised me this year by joining the school choir. They went early to school each Wednesday to practice and sing. And it all culminated in the Spring Concert. It was so fun!
The Rest of the StoryOur favorite guy turned 46! We hope he had a happy birthday! Wyatt is a hard worker who loves everyone and wants to help everyone realize their goals and dreams. He works himself to the...
The Rest of the StoryThis week was a pretty fun one! I got to go with Nate on his field trip to “This is the Place Heritage Park” where we pet baby animals, learned about pioneer life, rode a...
The Rest of the StoryThe week of ‘Rona. On Monday night I went out with the Everett, but I really kinda felt weird. On Tuesday I went garden shopping. But I just didn’t feel great. That afternoon I finally...
The Rest of the StoryOn March 18, 2020 at 7:09 am Utah had a 5.7 magnitude earthquake. I remember laying in bed, and looking at the fan shaking in the ceiling above me. What was happening flashed into my...
The Rest of the StoryWhen we got home from Europe I told Wyatt – “I don’t want to go anywhere for spring break.” Then one day he called me. “Flights are on a great sale to Fiji.” I’ve always...
The Rest of the StoryStarting on Sunday – After learning that aunt Leslee had some baby kitties, the kids tried to convince Dad we needed another cat. Monday – Nate showed up his older sibs with his latest award....
The Rest of the StoryOn Monday when the Sun is Hot -. I cleaned the house and worked out and took a nap. On Tuesday when it Hails & Snows- I took Nate-O-Potato to lunch. Because a lunch date...
The Rest of the StoryWhile mommy and dad are out of town to see Bruce for an epic weekend in Denver . . . The kids had all sorts of fun! The word on the street is that Everett...
The Rest of the StoryFor Christmas, 2021 Wyatt gave me the “Christensen Concert Series” – a promise to take me to a few different concerts. The last concert of that gift was Bruce Springsteen – But he wasn’t coming...
The Rest of the StoryIt was rough – but the pictures make it look like it was all good times 😀
The Rest of the StoryOver spring break in 2021 (just shy of 2 years ago now) we took a road trip through Southern Utah and into Arizona and Colorado. I’ve loooong wanted to take the kids down to Monument...
The Rest of the StoryCute Olivia went to Sweet Hearts with her friend, Seth. They had a great time. I am so, so pleased at the choices in friends and activities that Olivia has involved herself with. She just...
The Rest of the StoryI finished two paintings in about a week of each other. This feels miraculous to me. One painting I’ve been working on since last spring when I first did a study for the idea. I...
The Rest of the StoryWe have a lot of basketball happening around here. Nate is on a J.Jazz team with games every Monday night. Roo is on a J.Jazz team with the same neighborhood boys as forever, with games...
The Rest of the StoryAfter seeing the Nutcracker in Munich, I asked Everett what he thought of it. He said something to the effect of “I’m a 13 year old boy, and the ballet is not my thing.” –...
The Rest of the StoryIn the October 2022 General Conference, Elder Dieter F Uchtdorf gave a message entitled “Jesus Christ is the Strength of Youth.”1 It was in that message that the church announced the new “For the Strength...
The Rest of the StoryFor Olivia’s birthday we took her and her bestie, Natalie, down to the PRCA rodeo championship in Las Vegas. It was a whirlwind trip – just about 24 hours because the girls couldn’t afford to...
The Rest of the StorySchool is canceled for the day The snow is piled high The joy of every child’s heart Exhaled in winters sigh. A poem by me on a snow day
The Rest of the StoryLife is full of sweet surprises Every day’s a gift The sun comes up and I can feel it lift my spirit Fills me up with laughter, fills me up with song I look into...
The Rest of the StoryRoo graduates from DARE! Corner Canyon loses in the state championship football game to Skyridge, 7-17. A&W went to the Jazz game with the Lakers Roo went to Winnie’s birthday party. We DIDN’T do a...
The Rest of the StoryAs I get older I notice I definitely am more tired than I used to be. In 2021 I finally gave up and admitted to myself that I needed a daily mid-afternoon nap. So, it’s...
The Rest of the StoryCalvin is super-fan of Hamilton, and he really got into the musical last spring. He can sing every lyric of every song. So, when his birthday came around and I was trying to figure out...
The Rest of the StoryThere was a time when Nate always wanted his room just so. He would clean, and line up his dinosaurs, and whine when cousins came over and moved them. He always kept his room perfectly...
The Rest of the StoryWyatt saved a horse! We went to get a pizza the other night, and there was a horse trailer pulled in at the gas station – “Why does that lady have her trailer open” I...
The Rest of the StoryThe festivities: 1- Neighborhood adult party at the Montagues; Wyatt wins a prize for his costume. 2- Ward trunk or treat with a salsa contest. Andrea wins a prize for her salsa. 3- Trick or...
The Rest of the StoryOlivia turned the iconic age of 17. I cannot. I CANNOT I cannot believe that she is 17 years old. Where has the time gone? What happened? I love that sweet, young, precious, and amazing...
The Rest of the StoryFor fall break we spent the weekend in St. George, watching Calvin race at the state championships. We were super impressed that he qualified for the event. It was such a fun and exciting weekend!...
The Rest of the StoryAfter a loooong many months of looking through the fence, the playground at our park is finally complete. This means no more: “Can we just sneak in?” “Do you think anyone will notice?” “What is...
The Rest of the StoryOn Sunday we (just Calvin, Roo & I, no one else wanted to come) took a drive up the canyon to see the fall leaves. Of course, Calvin wanted to take some pictures too. And...
The Rest of the StoryAnd so we went shopping . . . And Olivia found the most beautiful dress! She reminds me of Audrey Hepburn a’la Breakfast at Tiffany’s. So classic. She is so beautiful, and that glow comes...
The Rest of the StoryEverett had a mighty big week this week! 1- He tried out for and had call backs for the school play! Last year he was in the play “Suessical” as part of the ensemble. This...
The Rest of the StoryNate-O had a walking field trip to see the sites of historic Draper. I was so excited to be a chaperone for the trip! We went to the Heritage Park where we learned about the...
The Rest of the StoryKinda odd, but nice just the same. On Wednesday night we had our annual viewing party of the notorious Ichabod Crane, complete with Apple Cider and Pumpkin Donuts. Roo has been reading The Legend of...
The Rest of the StoryOh my heart is squishy and full. I love this kid just so. so. so. much. He’s in the throes of middle school, with all the horrible-ness that that is, and my heart regularly bleeds...
The Rest of the StoryI’ve been making book displays for the library, hoping to encourage kids to try some different books than the same-old same-old that are always in circulation. I’ve had pretty good success so far, the kids...
The Rest of the StoryMonday was Kellie’s birthday! #45. For her big day I filled her bedroom with 45 balloons and tied little notes of things I loved and admired about her. Happy Birthday Kellie! One of my dearest...
The Rest of the StoryIn January Andrew decided he was going to read the entire Book of Mormon himself. And on Sunday he finished the entire thing. Every time he finished one of the books within the book, we...
The Rest of the StoryOn Friday the kids had no school (for YAY!) so we decided to head up to the cabin for the afternoon. What do you do at the cabin? Nothing. Which is the most glorious thing...
The Rest of the StoryNate and Roo have had some exciting athletic persuits this past week – For Activity Days at church the boys spent all summer preparing to participate in a triathalon. They practiced their running, biking and...
The Rest of the StoryOver the summer I came to realize something – well, I came to the point where I was willing to deal with something I had long realized: I use waaaaay too much time on my...
The Rest of the StoryHappy Anniversary to us! 21 years! I can’t believe I’m old enough to be married that long, lol! For our anniversary this year we decided to keep it low key and stress free. We went...
The Rest of the StoryOlivia asked her friend, Yosef, to go to Home Coming with her at Corner Canyon this year. Yosef is a friend she met this summer at AFY. It looks like they had a ton of...
The Rest of the StoryCalvin is on the mountain bike team at the high school. His first race was at Eagle Mountain. Somehow he got put in the ”Freshman B” list — starting in 27th place. ”You can finish...
The Rest of the StorySometimes Roo and David like to go on early morning hikes. Usually that means David’s family is assigned to the task of taking them. But sometimes Roo asks me if I’ll be the one to...
The Rest of the StoryAnother summer has come and gone. I’m never ever ready for school to begin again. I love the days when all of le bebes are home with me (in theory if not in practice). But...
The Rest of the StoryOn Sunday, August 14th (the day before school started!) Nate was baptized. It was a really lovely afternoon. I so love my youngest boy, and I’m pleased with who he is becoming. He has been...
The Rest of the StoryThe last two weeks of summer are always busy, and this year wasn’t shaping up to be any different. That’s why I felt like a particular genius when I had the idea to combine Nate...
The Rest of the StoryFor the fam-vacay this summer we decided to do a last minute trip to Florida. Gatorland – where we saw the big gators right up close! Crazy!! Seaworld – where Nate was the dolphin trainer...
The Rest of the StoryErrands and chores, including fixing sprinklers at dusk while the clouds turned pink overhead. Roo loves all things garden and is always ready to help me. Hopefully he can become my full time sprinkler guy soon!
The Rest of the StoryTrue Grit: A Story about my 5th Great Grandmother, Tamson Parshley Egan. Tamson was born in Barnstead, New Hampshire on July 27, 1825. She married Howard Egan in December, 1838. She was just thirteen and...
The Rest of the StoryIt’s one of those weird things where the whole time I’m thinking: “This is BAAAAD parenting.” But still . . . they had some good fun (and plenty of traumatic tears). Everett, Roo and Nate...
The Rest of the StoryRoo boo and I went and got ice cream after his orthodontist appointment. Later that evening Wyatt and I went to concert up at the draper amphitheater (which we’d never been to before) for Little...
The Rest of the StoryOlivia, Leslee, Carrie, Beez and I all went on a quick evening trail ride. It wasn’t long, but it was fun! Ah, I miss the days of being young and going on long evening adventures...
The Rest of the StoryNow I know my dog is usually a shade or two browner than her natural blonde, but this is ridiculous. From the smell of it, she had herself a good ol' time chasing down a skunk. And now she'll have a good ol' time sleeping outside!
The Rest of the StorySummer is finally here! This is how we celebrated!
The Rest of the StoryWhen we were young we thought “We’ll take back-east fall-leaves road trip.” But money and time never collided. Finally, for our 20 year we decided to make it happen. We flew in to Boston, saw...
The Rest of the StoryWhile we were in Hawaii we decided to try surf lessons. We’d gotten a recommendation from Brenda Andrewsen to try <WHAT WAS THAT GUY’S NAME?> and she was right, he was fantastic! Nate was so...
The Rest of the StoryEverett had a wonderful finish to his Elementary school career. He graduated on May 21, 2021. I’m so proud of him! On to bigger things! (Middle school, blech.)
The Rest of the StoryThis talk was excruciating to get through. I didn’t even attempt to “present” – I just read the whole thing, keeping my eyes and face down. I knew if I looked up I would burst...
The Rest of the StoryNate graduated from preschool! It was kinda crazy because with the pandemic he didn’t actually go to preschool for the last two months. But Mrs. King decided to hold a graduation (masks and social distancing-ish...
The Rest of the StoryWas my last first-day of preschool.
The Rest of the StoryIn November I received a call from the ward Executive Secretary. Bishop wanted to meet with us – Wyatt and I. I didn’t think much about it – I’ve been called into these types of...
The Rest of the StoryOn Sunday, January 6th, Calvin stood as the Bishop read his name to recommend him to be ordained to the Aaronic Priesthood. I think my heart might have exploded out of my chest. I was...
The Rest of the StoryWell, it’s been an entire year – 1 whole year – of no writing on my blog. It’s not because I haven’t logged on . . . Haven’t thought about posting. But the truth is,...
The Rest of the Story[vc_row][/vc_row][vc_column][/vc_column][vc_column_text]I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. [/vc_column_text][vc_row][vc_column][vc_masonry_media_grid item=”masonryGrid_FadeIn” grid_id=”vc_gid:1541285977194-2cfa03c1-517f-10″ include=”5233,5234,2506,2505,1521,1216,1203,1202,5232″ el_id=”thailand3″ el_class=”thailand3grid”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][nz_slick_carousel...
The Rest of the StoryWhen I checked us into our hotel that first night, I talked to the concierge about getting to the airport in the morning to catch our flight down to Phuket. We needed to get to...
The Rest of the StoryOne day last April we were out working in the garden when Wyatt got a text from Uncle Alex. “Flights to Thailand for $400 round trip.” We should go . . . all of us. So that day I bought 7 round trip tickets to Thailand for November.
The Rest of the StoryAs always, we had lots of projects to work on in all our spare time. We built a loft. We built a fence for the yard. We built a fence for the garden. We cleaned...
The Rest of the StoryWhen school went back in (August) I thought – “Ok, time to get rid of the bunnies.” I didn’t want to take care of them through the winter. I figured it would be a seasonal...
The Rest of the StoryOne of the special things we get to do with our sweet daughter now that she is 12, is take her to the Temple to perform baptisms for the dead by proxy. When I was...
The Rest of the StoryCute Olivia – sniff* graduated from primary. Now imagine my eyes with tears spouting out like a spigot gone amuck! Cute Olivia memorized all of her Articles of Faith, passed them off, and was able...
The Rest of the StoryI can’t believe my little goosey Sunshine girl has turned 12! For her birthday we let her have two . . . events. One, she had a late over and watched a movie with some...
The Rest of the StoryFor Everett’s baptism pictures we went up to the Draper Temple, which is a short 3 minute drive from our house. It’s neat to live so close to the temple, it blesses our lives! Look...
The Rest of the StoryThe most special event of all of 2017 was watching Everett get baptized. It’s a monumental occasion to see my children making sacred covenants. We tried to make it a special day for him! So...
The Rest of the Story2017 is a big year for our family! And one of the highlights of the year was that Everett would turn 8! (It’s a big deal!) We sure love our Everett. He has the kindest...
The Rest of the StoryLife isn’t always an event – lots of days are just spent doing our work, goofing off, and *trying* to stay out of trouble. Here are some pictures of the random moments.
The Rest of the StoryOlivia was turning 12. I planned to let her choose if she wanted to get her ears pierced (she had actually NEVER asked for this before). Then Wyatt gave me earings for our anniversary, so...
The Rest of the StoryFor our anniversary this year Wyatt went all out and took me to San Diego for the U2 Joshua Tree concert. I was super excited to go! While we were there we also did a...
The Rest of the StoryThis year Calvin and Everett played football. I think they had a lot of fun and learned a lot on their respective teams. We enjoyed spending the evenings at the park watching them play.
The Rest of the StoryEspecially since he got his braces off!
The Rest of the StoryA bunch of ladies in my ward get together every Tuesday night for Tennis lessons. The coach from the highschool comes and teaches us how to play. Mostly we just laugh and goof off. But...
The Rest of the StoryOne quiet afternoon the most mysterious letter was delivered by post, addressed to the children: It was the craziest thing! And enclosed with the letter was a clue that started us on a great adventure...
The Rest of the StoryOver the summer I was talking to Brynn and she told me about her goal to do 52 hikes in 52 weeks. I thought that sounded so lovely, I started the same thing. I’ve been...
The Rest of the StoryHappy Birthday cute girl! For her birthday we went to lunch at Mimi’s Cafe. We had a birthday party at airborne with her new friends in the new neighborhood, but we also had a night...
The Rest of the StoryThe cub scouts put on the ward trunk or treat (an annual tradition in this ward). It was pretty fun! (And a lot of work for the scout leaders. Boo-ya!)
The Rest of the StoryI can’t believe my baby Andrew is in kindergarten. Sigh. This boy is so dreamy. I will miss him every day.
The Rest of the StoryFor our back to school dinner this year our theme was “By Small and Simple Things are Great Things Brought to Pass” Somehow I always choose themes that are great lessons for kids, but clearly...
The Rest of the StoryCalvin and Everett started school. Here are their cute back to school pictures. Haha!
The Rest of the StoryOlivia’s first day of 6th grade was the day before Calvin and Everett started. It was also only a half day. So once Olivia got home from school I threw all the kids in the...
The Rest of the StoryOlivia started middle school. All summer I bemoaned this milestone in her life. But she was thrilled. THRILLED! To be moving on into the legit world of big-kid-ness. On Monday night we went over to...
The Rest of the StoryAs one last summer adventure we went to Idaho the day before school started to see the total solar eclipse. Check it out!
The Rest of the StoryRoo Boo turned 6! Oh, be still my beating heart. I do love that boy. He is my most happy child, and he brings that happiness to everyone he is around. He is easy going...
The Rest of the StoryObviously.
The Rest of the StoryWe love to play with the Ferg’s. We were so excited when they agreed (we invited ourselves) to take us boating. Thank you Ian and Nicole for the SUPER FUN DAY!! It was a highlight...
The Rest of the StoryNato-Potato turned 3. Oh, he is such a sweet thing. Every day this happens. “Mom…” “Mom…” “Mom…” “Mom…” “Mom…” “Mom…” “Mom…” “Mom…” “Mom…” “Mom…” “Mom…” “Mom…” “What Nate?” With all smiles: “I wuv woo!” I...
The Rest of the StoryAs we were driving home from our great American Road Trip, I saw on IG that a friend of mine had one puppy left in her litter of Golden-Doodles. “Do you want to go look...
The Rest of the StoryDay 10 – 11 Day 10 we got up and hiked Table Rock – a little plateau that sat directly behind Wyatt’s childhood home. It was a quick 2 1/2 mile hike up to see...
The Rest of the StoryDays 7 – 9 Day 7 On Day 7 we decided to start our day with a hike in Fern Canyon. It was like something out of the tropics with these amazing walls of green....
The Rest of the StoryDays 4-7 Day 4 – A Day in San Francisco. When originally conceptualizing this road trip, in my mind we spent two days in San Fran. But one day proved quite adequate. When we first...
The Rest of the StoryEverett was baptized on October 15th, 2017. He was baptized by his dad, and we had lots of friends and family come to support him and us. I do so love this boy with all...
The Rest of the StoryEverett’s birthday fell on a Sunday. Still, we woke up and opened presents first thing (always presents first thing!). Then we went to church, and then we came home and continued to celebrate our special,...
The Rest of the StoryOlivia was turning 12. I was planning to let her choose if she wanted to get her ears pierced. (She had actually never asked about it before). Then Wyatt gave me earings for our anniversary,...
The Rest of the StoryIn the spring we got a text from Beth – tickets to Thailand were suuuuper cheap! So we bought tickets. Then we had to figure out a way to tell the kids of our trip....
The Rest of the StoryWith the kids back in school I have been *trying* to pretend like I have free time, and go hiking more. Hiking is one of those things I really do enjoy. I love nature, and...
The Rest of the StoryFor our family vaycay this year we decided to take a road trip to the Redwood Forest. What a blast! I spent months on google maps calculating distances and routes in eager anticipation. But in...
The Rest of the StoryThis year I was asked by one of the leaders if I would mind going to Scout camp for one of the days (3 day event) to help out. I did, and man-o-man, it was...
The Rest of the StoryWyatt and I took Everett on a date to the new Hale Center Theater to see “Forever Plaid.” It was so much fun, and Everett even got a sombrero as part of the play. It...
The Rest of the StoryOne thing we were super excited for this year was Draper Days. It’s the town celebration, and it’s held in the park right next to my house! This meant we didn’t have to fight traffic...
The Rest of the StoryWe spent the 4th of July weekend at the Cabin! Wynn and Heidi came up and played (YAY!). We had a yummy barbecue. We played at the lake. Wynn and Everett got a billion fish!...
The Rest of the StoryOne big problem that I haven't figured out the solution to yet is busyness. How do I not run every day from one activity to the other while still providing opportunities for my children to grow, memories to bind us together as a family, and keep our household and lives running smoothly? If you know, please tell me.
The Rest of the StoryOur sweet puppy, Maverick, got very sick. We figured he ate something (he was always eating socks and other things on the floor) and was having trouble passing it. We waited for a few days...
The Rest of the StoryWe limped most painfully along to the end of the school year. On the Sunday before Memorial day ( two weeks before the official dismissal of school) I told the kids that if they didn’t...
The Rest of the StoryHere’s a sampling of the chore charts I’ve made for the summer, as well as “Cleaning Cards” that will get framed and put in each room so the kids know to what standard I expect...
The Rest of the StoryOn the 15th of May I received a text message from my mom: Uncle Bob had a stroke the evening before. Things looked good though. They were able to get him to the hospital fairly...
The Rest of the StoryRoo Boo graduated from Mrs. King’s preschool. He was such a great preschooler! He learned lots, and was very enthusiastic and sweet. I think Roo is going to have a great educational experience ahead of...
The Rest of the StoryThis spring we had Olivia playing softball in the Sandy/Draper league – Calvin playing baseball in Little League- Everett and Andrew in Draper fishing club – And Roo playing soccer for the Draper league. We’ve...
The Rest of the StoryA couple years ago (when Calvin was in the thick of his “Presidents” stage) Cal asked if we could go to Mt. Rushmore. We both kinda brushed it off until we were on a big...
The Rest of the StoryThis year for the Women’s General Meeting I decided to take Olivia downtown to the conference center. We went to dinner first at Mimi’s and then went down to be with our sisters and listen...
The Rest of the StoryThere’s been so much chaos these past several months. A few bigger things will receive their own posts. But these are pictures of more day-to-day life these past few months. Let’s recap:
The Rest of the StoryThis year Everett will be baptized. In the old neighborhood every child had their own baptism (part of having very few children and two fonts in the stake). Here we have stake baptisms where all...
The Rest of the StoryWith the new year came New Beginnings. But the mind boggling thing was that this year Olivia was invited to it! I cannot tell you how shocking it is to me that my Sunshine is...
The Rest of the StoryOne spring-ish feeling day at the end of January Wyatt had a brilliant idea that our family needed a puppy. Actually, he started cruising the KSL adds for one almost the day we moved in....
The Rest of the StoryHere are some great things that have come from Calvin in the past week: The other night we were cleaning up the house before bed. All the other kids had gone upstairs to get ready,...
The Rest of the StoryNote to self – I like this artist.
The Rest of the StoryI know. In this world of ipad, iphone, computers, etc. my kids dream toy is the ultra low-tech plastic green army guys you get at the dollar store. I mean, these guys don’t even have...
The Rest of the StoryMy favorite day of the winter - the day we all pack up in our warmest snow gear and head up to the cabin. We load up our sleds with food and supplies and a...
The Rest of the StoryI think this was the most low key Christmas on record. The kids couldn’t even think of anything to put on their lists . . . there was seriously NOTHING they wanted. And Wyatt and...
The Rest of the StoryThis year we did Temple Square, dinner at the Lion House, and the windows at the Grand America all in one marathon evening. The Engh’s weren’t able to join us for the windows this year,...
The Rest of the StoryOne of the best things we do at Christmas time is spend time with friends. We go to parties. We invite friends over. We make gingerbread houses. We laugh. So happy to have such great friends in...
The Rest of the StoryEvery year the Draper Park (which is about 300 yards from my house) lights up their trees. The grand central figure is one dubbed “The Tree of Life,” an old globe willow that they light...
The Rest of the StoryThere certainly was a lot going on last fall! Here are just a few pics to recap some of the happenings.
The Rest of the StoryHere are some pictures of our first Halloween at Summer Downs. ⇧ These are from Halloween Night – about to go out trick-or-treating. We found out it’s just like the old neighborhood . . ....
The Rest of the StoryThe first project at Summer Downs was to put in a block wall along the back of our property line. Here’s some pictures of the project.
The Rest of the StoryOne night over Christmas break Wyatt and I lay in bed talking about how the kids are growing up so much and so fast. Wyatt observed that in just a few short months Roo will...
The Rest of the StoryOf all the things that have happened the past couple months, nothing is more imperative to remember forever than my kids birthdays. So let’s talk about Olivia’s birthday. Her big day came on the Friday...
The Rest of the StoryAs part of buying the house from the Romero’s we told them we would give them extra time to move out after the closing. They had entire lives within the walls of this home and...
The Rest of the StoryOver the four plus years that we were actively looking to move, we seriously considered (as in, saw the house twice and discussed possibly putting in an offer) no less than 10 homes (to be...
The Rest of the StoryA couple weeks ago, while cleaning my kitchen, I was listening to the BYU Devotional ago about agency. [It was on in the background and I never even looked up to see who was speaking,...
The Rest of the StoryA week after we moved in to Somerdowns a tragedy stuck. Wyatt’s business partner, Dave’s niece went missing in the Pacific Northwest. Dave went to Oregon to help search for the girl. Wyatt went too....
The Rest of the StoryEvery year since they were born, each child has been given a Christmas Book. The idea is that when they are grown and ready to start their own families, these books will be the start...
The Rest of the StoryAfter years of looking, we’ve finally bought a house. Why did it take so long? The answer would be as long as the search. But suffice it to say that we feel really good about...
The Rest of the StoryWe’re closing a chapter on our lives – and I’m not ignorant of the fact that it may have been the most beautiful chapter of our entire lives. Tomorrow we’ll start moving to our new...
The Rest of the StoryToday was our last Sunday as members of the Butler 4th Ward. We bought our house in the ward in November of 2004 – 11 years and 11 months ago. We’ve been in this ward...
The Rest of the StoryToday is Everett’s 7th Birthday! I can’t believe he’s only seven. I really don’t remember life without that sweet boy. Observations about Ev: I really feel like he has the most gigantic soul of anyone...
The Rest of the StoryThings have been kinda crazy around here (but seriously, when are they ever not?) We’ve had the house under construction (again) – this time a bathroom remodel to hopefully help the house sell. Because there...
The Rest of the StoryOn September 8th, Roo-Boo started preschool. He was sooooooooo sooooooooo soooooooo excited to go. He’s ready for a full fun year of learning and playing and having a little independence from home. I’m excited for...
The Rest of the StoryON Minimalism We decided we’d put our house on the market as soon as we got home from Hawaii, around May 15th. In anticipation of that I packed the basement up – books, movies, wrapping...
The Rest of the StoryThe day after school started I got up bright and early (4:30 am) to catch a flight to Denver, where Andi was throwing her dad a surprise 70th Birthday party. The funniest/best part of the...
The Rest of the StoryOn Wednesday, August 25th, we finally had to accept reality and . . . go back to school. Of course, I think the kids were thrilled. They were awake and fully ready by 7...
The Rest of the StoryOur theme for this school year is “Have Courage and Be Kind” At dinner we talked about our theme. First, what it means to have courage. Courage is more that simply being brave. It is...
The Rest of the StoryIn a Wonderland they lie,Dreaming as the days go by,Dreaming as the summers die:Ever drifting down the stream-Lingering in the golden gleam-Life, what is it but a dream? The last couple weeks of summer were as...
The Rest of the StoryRoo turned five. Saying that hurts my heart a little. He’s been the sweetest, most joyful four year old I have ever known. His good natured-ness has really been a boon to my heart, and...
The Rest of the StoryThis is a copy of Wyatt’s High Council talk that he’s been giving on the circuit this year. I like it a lot, so I stole it when he had it open on his google...
The Rest of the StoryOne afternoon I needed some stuff that was at the cabin. I didn’t have all day, so we just ran a quick errand to get it. When we got there we had just a half...
The Rest of the StoryAugust means Two Dollar Tuesday’s at Thanksgiving Point. We go every year to the various museums and activities each week. This week was the Museum of Natural Curiosity. It was a great way to spend...
The Rest of the StoryTwo days after Calvin’s birthday we get to celebrate Nate’s birthday. We’re so glad Nate is in our family. He is constantly charming us with his ADORABLENESS! We think he’s so sweet. Things I love...
The Rest of the StoryToday I logged into my blog and happened to notice: that last post, the one about Calvin’s Birthday, that was the !!ONE THOUSANDTH!! post. (Which makes this the one thousand and first post). One thousand...
The Rest of the StoryToday our family was asked to speak on friendship and fellowshipping in the gospel. What a fantastic topic to discuss among you, my friends! When I was growing up I suffered from a painfully shy...
The Rest of the StoryCalvin decided he wanted to have a party at the cabin. Of course, it didn’t rain in ALL OF JULY, except on the afternoon we were trying to have a birthday party for him. We...
The Rest of the StoryOn Friday Wyatt was out of town, and my mom was in town. We decided to head up to the cabin for the day. At one point Nate fell asleep and mom agreed to stay...
The Rest of the StoryCalvin advanced and earned his Wolf in scouts. YAY Calvin!!
The Rest of the StoryThe other night I woke up to the word “Mom” being whispered in the dark. I opened my eyes expecting to see a child standing before me at the side of the bed. But there...
The Rest of the StoryThe 24th fell on a Sunday this year, and Cottonwood Heights had their annual Butlerville Days celebration on the Saturday before. But after spending a long day working on the house, I was in no...
The Rest of the StoryHeidi and Alea and Weston came up to the cabin to play one day. We played at the river, had a seriously yummy bbq and otherwise spent the day playing and relaxing. We even went down to...
The Rest of the StoryAn exciting thing has happened at the cabin this week – On Monday we were there, playing at the river by the entrance into our HOA. The river frontage is owned by the HOA,...
The Rest of the StoryLast year I read the little lovelies Tom Sawyer. And then a few months ago I found this golden find at the DI – and promptly made the children watch it on our first trip...
The Rest of the StoryToday Andrew came happily bouncing into my room. “The day Nate was born was so fun. That was the best day of my life!” he told me. “Oh really? What about the day you were...
The Rest of the Story4th of July weekend was a bit mixed up. We went to the Rodeo on Friday night, and then because our friend Kirtland was getting baptized bright and early Saturday morning, we didn’t spend Saturday...
The Rest of the StoryToday during swimming lessons I text Wyatt: I’m so stressed out, I want to hide in the basement and cry. And then he called me to see if I was okay. I started to cry....
The Rest of the StoryOne night we invited our friends, the Reimann’s, to the cabin for FHE. We had a good time having a BBQ, going up to the lake, catching frogs, canoeing, 4-wheeling, watching movies and having a...
The Rest of the StoryHere are some of our summer adventures – We pulled out the Superman pj’s for Nate-O. All four of my boys have worn this outfit (and even Olivia once). They were a gift from my...
The Rest of the StoryLast night when everyone else was in bed, Everett came in to talk to us. He told us he was worried because he still didn’t know how to repent. Two weeks ago he confessed to...
The Rest of the StoryOne day we were hard at work doing some chores. “If you guys can get this done, we can do night games tonight” I promised. A little motivation never hurts. Well, the chores got done,...
The Rest of the StoryWe’ve been waiting for this day for 10 years! We started teaching Calvin and Olivia to mow the lawn! They’re barely big enough to turn the machine on their own, and can’t quite start it...
The Rest of the StoryI’m not really a “stuff” person. I have one box of letters and postcards from my childhood . . . and that’s it. No trophies, no pictures (my parent’s weren’t picture people, maybe I’m overcompensating?),...
The Rest of the StoryThis year for the Christensen annual camp out we went south. We ditched the lake thing for a mountain cabin at Brian Head ski resort. Lance’s parent bought a cabin last year and he volunteered...
The Rest of the StoryWell, it’s 8:34 on Sunday evening. Our first weekend of summer is coming to a golden evening close. Friday I worked hard while the kids were at school to get the house clean (“Why did...
The Rest of the StorySummer is here. By all accounts, that means “I’m Busy.” I usually start calendaring the summer over Christmas break, and this year was no exception. Plans were presented and made, and over the past six...
The Rest of the StoryThis morning – on the last day of school, three school years after we very first started – we finished reading the Book of Mormon! (Don’t do the math on just how slow that makes...
The Rest of the StoryOn Saturday a week and a half ago I took the kids to the D.I. to get some new summer reading books. Each kid took home 3 books, and I brought home several more that...
The Rest of the StoryThe kids were excited to open the cabin. We went up on Friday evening (not soon enough according to the kids). We spent the weekend doing the usual – watching old Disney movies, listening to...
The Rest of the StoryI told this story to some friends last week – people I’ve been friends with for years and years. They were incredulous that they’d never heard this story. “That’s the first thing I’d tell people...
The Rest of the Story*MORE PICTURES COMING SOON* I’m working on getting pics from all sources (my camera, my phone, Wyatt’s phone, Kellie’s phone, etc. etc.) READ PART 1 HERE Here is the report of the second half of...
The Rest of the StoryDear Little Lovelies,Aloha! That is how you say “Hello” in Hawaii. Hawaii is a set of islands in the middle of the pacific ocean. Here there is a unique and beautiful culture. We are staying...
The Rest of the StoryThe kids had their spring piano recital. I’m really proud of how the kids are progressing in their piano!
The Rest of the StoryWyatt has entered his last year in his 30’s! For his birthday, and considering how overwhelmed and busy he’s been, I arranged for the kids to spend the night at Grandma’s house so he and...
The Rest of the StoryOlivia has told me all winter that she was really looking forward to our special girls weekend. But when spring break came and we were WAAAAY too busy (well, Wyatt was too busy – remember...
The Rest of the StoryThis year we decided to play spring ball rather than summer ball – we’re trying to have less busyness in the summer. Olivia is playing softball in a draper league. Her games are Monday’s and...
The Rest of the StoryLast winter I was awake in the early hours with a little one. As I rocked the baby in the pink-grey light, I really tried to meditate on the things that challenge me. One thing I...
The Rest of the StoryOur kids are sure getting tricky these days!
The Rest of the StoryI always think I should put a time lapse camera on my kitchen – just to show how quickly and how many times in a 24 hour period it gets messy and clean. This isn’t...
The Rest of the StoryMarch was a hard month. An incredibly hard month. Wyatt was way too busy, and I was stretched way too thin. Between work and his new calling (which during March did not relieve his time...
The Rest of the StoryHere’s some recent stories about my kid-o’s. A Boy Has a Crush on Olivia: We were at the pinewood derby the other night and Tyler Pierson, and little neighborhood boy in Olivia’s grade, was there....
The Rest of the StoryCalvin had his first ever pinewood derby! He was so excited. We told him to draw his design on paper, and then transfer it with carbon paper onto the block. Wyatt helped him cut it...
The Rest of the StoryMonday, March 28th, 2016 was the fifteen year anniversary of the day Wyatt and I met. Fifteen years. Fifteen years before we met I was 6. And it looks like I’ve rubbed off on him...
The Rest of the StoryWe celebrated Easter with our usual ward Easter breakfast and egg hunt. It was a cold, fun morning!
The Rest of the StoryWe planned to go to Disneyland in November of 2015. Things got delayed – long story. Then we planned for the third week of February. But Wyatt’s work put the kaibash on that. So then...
The Rest of the StoryI’ve been feeling a lot of discouragement lately for all the things my life lacks – We’ve been looking for a new house for about 4 years. We just can’t find a property that meets...
The Rest of the StoryWhen I was at BYU I worked at the Mechanical shop. Lest you’re like me and think the mechanical shop means I worked on cars, let me correct you. The mechanical shop was the term...
The Rest of the StoryI took the little lovelies to the pool. It was the only thing I could think of to entertain five children on this very looooong weekend.
The Rest of the StorySunday was Valentines Day.❤ We celebrated with heart shaped pink pancakes and sausage and OJ for breakfast. We also gave each lovely a box of chocolates. XOXOX Love those little valentines! Wyatt also gave me...
The Rest of the StorySaturday was a very boring day full of nothing interesting. We just hung out at home for the day. The only thing we did decorate and devour sugar cookies!
The Rest of the StoryOn Friday we went to the Provo City Center Temple open house. It was amazing and beautiful and wonderful to be there with my whole family even if the littles were struggling with being reverent...
The Rest of the StoryThe kids have been asking to go to the skating rink for weeks. Thursday was finally the night all things came together! It was a fun night, and a total flashback to the 80’s.
The Rest of the StoryWe finished the book of Alma last week. And to me that feels like summiting the Matterhorn while carrying five babies in packs upon my back. The air is fresh, and the views fantastic, and...
The Rest of the StoryIn the September of 2014 Wyatt decided, almost on a whim, to build a shed. I say almost on a whim because while we had discussed the need for a shed since we bought the cabin,...
The Rest of the StoryEverett won yet another award (the third this year, by my count) and is the student of the month. This month’s focus is Safety and Everett was described by his teacher as a student who...
The Rest of the StoryIn November, 2015, Wyatt completed his work for his Woodbadge certification in Scouts. Yay Wyatt!
The Rest of the StoryMy kids like to exercise every once in a while. I tell them kids exercise by playing and climbing and being outside. But sometimes they want to exercise like their dad.
The Rest of the StoryOne day Nate-O took a spill off a chair. He hit his head on something on the way down (no one was in the room to see it) and had to get a staple in...
The Rest of the StoryMy favorite Winter Activity has fast become sledding at the cabin. We went this year on New Years Day in spite of the below freezing temperatures. And guess what? Santa came! He set up a...
The Rest of the StoryThe Enghs came over for games and treats. We played “Pie Face” which the kids thought was HI-LARIOUS!
The Rest of the StoryThis was the year. THE YEAR! Olivia and Calvin really really got Christmas. The happiness and excitement flowed through them like sugar through their veins. They were giddy! They couldn’t sleep. They giggled all night...
The Rest of the StoryOur Christmas season was a bit more subdued this year. The parties were minimal, the quiet evenings long. There was just the right mix of traditions and festivities and quiet reflection. It may have been...
The Rest of the StoryIt’s a wonderful day when the four kids (that can talk) go up and each bear their testimony of the gospel of their own accord.
The Rest of the StoryShe’d been complaining that she couldn’t see the board at school. So she got glasses- a pair of pink ones, and a pair of blue, to match every outfit she owns. Yes, she thinks of...
The Rest of the StoryEverett broke a board in Tae Kwon Do! He’s super proud of himself, I would be too if I were him!
The Rest of the StoryThis is a little painting I made this weekend while we watched movies. It’s from the Tom Petty song, the theme song for Andi’s wedding.
The Rest of the StoryEach week for 11 years, I have shopped at Maceys, and Adam is the gentleman who helps me with my groceries each week. He’s always polite and helpful. When ever he sees me at the...
The Rest of the StoryIt’s been a while since I’ve had the thought that martial arts could be especially well suited to Everett. He is my most sensitive and sweet child, and I thought some form of martial arts...
The Rest of the StoryOne day this week Everett came bounding off the bus with a giant grin on his face. He won an award. Not to be all braggy and stuff, but . . . obviously. He received...
The Rest of the StoryOur Halloween wasn’t haunted. It was lovely. The leaves were bright and crisp. The air was warm, perfect for trick-or-treating. And we had a fun evening of friends and candy. Does it get any better?
The Rest of the StoryWyatt surprised me with Garth Brooks tickets for Friday night. I didn’t even know Garth was coming to town. I was super excited. Plus, we had the best seats we’ve ever had at a concert....
The Rest of the StoryI take the musical education of my children seriously . . . Like, seriously, they should know who certain bands are. So, I’ve been working with them for a while to get them to recognize...
The Rest of the StoryKinda braggy, but yo, it’s my blog. The other night at dinner we were discussing fire drills. During the conversation I told the kids (again) the story of the time growing up when my house...
The Rest of the StoryFor the past couple weeks Olivia has taken every opportunity to remind us it was her birthday coming up. She’d hold up both hands, making peace signs, and say with a sing-song voice, “Double Digits!”...
The Rest of the StoryOlivia really wanted to have a birthday party at the cabin this year. Wyatt stayed home with the boys and I took Olivia and four friends up for a day of woodsy day of fun!...
The Rest of the StoryEverett and Calvin both got gift certificates for good behavior that earned them a desert at a local restaurant. I’m so glad my boys were caught being good! 😉
The Rest of the StoryI love taking the babies to Gardener Village to take picture of them in their cute Halloween Costumes. This year I decided just to take the kiddos that aren’t in school (at least, at school...
The Rest of the StorySometimes I go to take a picture on my phone, and my storage is full. I swipe through my pictures to see why, and I find the selfies my kids take. The THOUSANDS of selfies....
The Rest of the StoryHappy Happy Birthday, Cutie Cutie EJO! We love you, oh yes we do!
The Rest of the StoryEven though it was technically autumn, the days were still warm and glorious, and the kids felt adventurous and wanted to play in the river. And so we did. It was one of the very...
The Rest of the StoryI found this fun scale at a garage sale and knew it would be a great photography prop. Check out how cute these pics are of Nate.
The Rest of the StoryWe had a very exciting thing happen in our family over the summer. Calvin became a cub scout. It was a very exciting thing to go to the scout shop and get him his uniform...
The Rest of the StoryThe kids went back to school on a Wednesday, but Ejo, as a kindergartner, didn’t start until the next Monday. It was very exciting. Olivia got up first thing in the morning and made him...
The Rest of the Story// Wednessday school started again for Olivia and Calvin (Everett will start on Monday). // Olivia (4th grade) has Mrs. Lui as her homeroom class, and Calvin (2nd grade) has Mrs. Hsaih. (Both, Chinese). //
The Rest of the Story// I prepared for our back-to-school dinner, the theme that came to me was “Joy in the Journey.” I think it was an EFY theme one year, but as I researched it, I didn’t find...
The Rest of the Story// started Roo’s birthday at the cabin with presents and a big breakfast. For his birthday we got him a coon skin cap, a flash light, swedish fish (red fish, he calls them) and sugar...
The Rest of the Story// our crazy busy birthday/baptism/wedding/party/birthday week, we took a bit of a low key week – played with friends, went to the pool . . . actually, we went to Seven Peaks one day, which...
The Rest of the StoryThe evening of Nate’s Birthday and the Baptism was also Wyatt’s 20 year High School Reunion. Seriously, could it get any busier? But it was a really fun evening. First we went to dinner with...
The Rest of the StoryNate celebrated his first birthday on the same day Calvin was baptized. After the baptism we came home and had a fun family party for him. I don’t think he understood quite what all the...
The Rest of the StoryOn August 1st Calvin chose to be baptized and confirmed a member or the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I’m so proud of this boy and the choices he makes each and every...
The Rest of the StoryIn celebration of Calvin and Nate’s birthday’s we decided to head downtown for some fun family activities. First on our list was Hike Ensign Peak. It’s been on our Summer Activities list all summer, and...
The Rest of the StoryRodeo and 4th weekend Ward campout Brock cabin trip 24th of july baseball/softball summer synopsis calvin’s birthday party calvins birthday flash forward: calvin’s homecoming mikes wedding ensign peak, etc. calvin’s baptism nate’s birthday wyatt’s reunion
The Rest of the Story// got married on Calvin’s birthday. It was a beautiful day. I was the photographer, Calvin was the ring bearer for the ring ceremony (Brittney is a new convert to the church and the only...
The Rest of the StoryThis year Calvin turned 8 . . . a very big birthday indeed! But our friend and neighbor was also getting married on that day, and we were involved in ALL the festivities. But it...
The Rest of the StoryWe had Calvin’s friend birthday party the Tuesday before his actual birthday (Thursday). For the party we made and launched water rockets. It was a ton of fun and went really well I think. First...
The Rest of the StoryThese posts are mainly stories of the events of the summer. But they don’t encompass the in between days where there isn’t something BIG going on . . . but there are lots of those...
The Rest of the Story// This summer we had 4 kids playing baseball on 3 different teams in 2 different leagues. Olivia joined a girls softball league in Taylorsville (the only league in the valley), Calvin and Everett were...
The Rest of the StoryThe morning after the 24th of July we couldn’t decide what to do. Go to the cabin? Go to Highland? Go swimming? Stay home? Finally we settled on going up over Gaurdsmans’ Pass and getting...
The Rest of the StoryThe 24th of July came with all the usual festivities . . . We went to the parade. Normally the whole neighborhood is up there, but this year it was just us and the Enghs....
The Rest of the StoryThe Pugh’s invited the Brock family up for another fun weekend at their cabin. We ate lots of yummy food. We fished. We canoed. We 4-wheeled. (but I didn’t get a picture of 4-wheeling. This...
The Rest of the StoryThis year our ward did a camp out up at the stake property in Kamas. I didn’t get any pictures, but it was fun to let the kids run around with all the neighborhood kids...
The Rest of the StoryLet’s be honest, 4th of July weekend did not turn out how I envisioned it. The 4th of July was on Saturday this year, and we planned to go to the cabin on Wednesday night/Thursday...
The Rest of the StoryDear July, I’ll admit, I’ve been dreading you all year; shed little tears of anticipation in my heart at the thought of you. You have become overwhelming to me. Years ago I heard of an...
The Rest of the StoryI forgot my camera, so I’m gathering pics from other family members of the weekend. This year we resurrected the Christensen Family Camp Out. It was vetoed for a couple years, but this year everyone...
The Rest of the StoryFunny Story: Wyatt took the kids to Fathers and Sons a few weeks ago. In the morning Everett reported to his dad and others at the campfire listening about his night sleeping on an...
The Rest of the StoryNo more pencils. No more books. No more teachers Dirty looks. School is over. School is done. We can stop learning And start having fun. Our First Week of Summer Saturday: road trip to...
The Rest of the StoryThe day after Wyatt got home, right after Ejo’s preschool graduation, we headed south for the Payson Temple Dedication. It was so beautiful – perhaps the prettiest temple I’ve ever been inside (beside the Salt...
The Rest of the StoryEverett finished preschool on May 22nd. He had his preschool program and we said good bye to his friends. At the end of the summer, he knows, he will go to kindergarten; ride the bus...
The Rest of the StoryWyatt and Scott were asked to speak after their return from Argentina. Here is a copy of Wyatt’s talk. (It might be noted that he did not give this talk. Scott spoke for um, 30 of the 35...
The Rest of the StoryFor Wyatt’s birthday: We went to the cabin. After dinner we gave him his gifts . . . there weren’t many. A few home made cards from the kids, a pink wig (Olivia likes to...
The Rest of the StoryOn Sundays Wyatt takes the kids to Primary while I stay behind and clean up the bench (which always looks like a bomb went off). One Sunday he came back into the chapel, where I...
The Rest of the StoryOlivia, Kira, and Hannah performed “It’s a Hard Knock Life” from Annie for the Ridgecrest talent show. I’m so glad these cute girls had fun!
The Rest of the StoryThis one should never be forgotten. I think I had it written down years ago. It may be one that was lost in a site-failure. And then I remembered it, and searched my site, but can’t...
The Rest of the StoryLast summer we took the kids on a hike up to Timp Cave. The hike itself went incredibly smoothly considering we were taking 4 young children while I was seven months pregnant. But towards the...
The Rest of the StoryA couple years ago I decided we should have a “girls weekend” in St. George. Mostly I wanted a chance to go to St. George to see people I don’t otherwise have time for with...
The Rest of the StoryFor spring break we decided to road trip to Arizona via some National Parks. First we stopped at Cove Fort – not a national park – It was really cool. I think we will stop there...
The Rest of the StoryOne morning I stood at the sink washing the dishes. I overheard Olivia, making a paper folding fortune game for Everett. She asked him, “what fortune do you want here?” So Everett answered without hesitation:...
The Rest of the StoryI haven’t written in a while. Time by myself without distraction is a rare commodity these days . . . Blog Posts Coming: Ridgecrest Talent Show The Henries Spring Break St. George/Girls Weekend Avery Everett’s...
The Rest of the StoryI remember learning this poem in 8th grade. I still think of it every time I see the spring blossoms, and wonder how many more springtime’s I will see. Loveliest of Trees Loveliest of trees,...
The Rest of the StoryNatey Nate has had a lot of firsts the past month – First rolling over (in Cancun) First teeth (two front bottom teeth came in the Sunday before we left for Cancun First foods! Yes,...
The Rest of the StoryWe had such a fun valentines day!
The Rest of the StoryOlivia was given the Star Student Award for Leadership for Mrs. Page’s class. About her, it was said: A philosopher once said an example is leadership. Olivia is a leader by example. She is always...
The Rest of the StoryFor a work-trip Wyatt and I went to Cancun. We’ve never been there. It was fun. DAY 4 – THE ONLY DAY OF ANY REAL ADVENTURE After 3 days of going around with people from...
The Rest of the StoryThis year Wyatt is determined that we become a “skiing family.” I grew up skiing . . . a few times a year. But I started snowboarding in 8th grade, which made me ski even...
The Rest of the StoryThis spring my two youngest sisters will each have their own babies. This means my parents will get six grandbabies in a year! We celebrated these two new littles with a Baby Shower, thrown by...
The Rest of the StoryMy VERY FAVORITE DAY so far this winter, was Civil Rights day when the kids were out of school, and we packed everyone up to the cabin to go sledding. We haven’t been to the...
The Rest of the StoryWynn and Heidi came to town the week after Christmas. One fun thing we did together was go sledding on our hill that is right by our house (the perfect sledding hill if you ask...
The Rest of the StoryI didn’t do too many home-made Christmas projects this year . . . but I did do a few 😉 The grandest one of all was Everett’s teepee. He was quite pleased to have a...
The Rest of the StoryThe next Christmas project I did was a photo book for my dad. It took quite a bit of time, but I think the end result was definitely worth it. Now I just have to...
The Rest of the StoryThis was the last Christmas project I did. It’s a painting I did for my in-laws of the house they built in Oregon and raised their kids while they were very young (Wyatt moved when...
The Rest of the StoryOn Christmas morning, with kids entertained by new toys, I decided to go out and take some micro photography of the big snowflakes that were falling down. It was a fun experiment!
The Rest of the StoryAfter an unusually warm fall and early winter, we woke up on Christmas morning with a fresh blanket of white with giant marshmallow flakes still falling softly throughout the day. It was magical! [youtube]...
The Rest of the StoryWe downplayed the Christmas Eve dinner the most we ever had this year. We didn’t get out the special dishes (in fact, it was paper plates!) or cook the extra elaborate meal – but it...
The Rest of the StoryI didn’t get a picture, but I did want to say, we had dinner and watched a Christmas movie with the Doom’s one evening before Christmas. It’s fun to spend time with friends!
The Rest of the StoryThis year we invited the Stewarts over to make gingerbread houses – it was sooooo much fun! Brynn and I decided this will definitely become an annual thing for our families.
The Rest of the StoryOne Christmas tradition we’ve developed is going to the “Windows at the Grand” with the Engh’s. Every year the Grand America hotel does a fun Christmas Window display around the lobby floor of the hotel....
The Rest of the StoryOne of my birthday presents this year was tickets to the The Forgotten Carols. I’ve never been. I always thought it looked fun, but it’s hard to get out without kids to things like this....
The Rest of the StoryOne fun activity we did was go see the lights at Temple Square. It was so unseasonable warm, it was really a fun and pleasant activity (compared to some years past). We went with Leslee...
The Rest of the Story[youtube]
The Rest of the Story1- Oil Painting starter set. 2- Cricut Explore Set 3) CANON PIXMA iP8720 Wireless Color Printer 4) Gift card for a manicure (better yet, go with me 😉 5) Tickets to The Forgotten Carols 6) WOMEN’S JOAN OF...
The Rest of the StoryToday was the primary program. Olivia had a piano solo, a group singing solo and two parts. (It’s the Olivia Show I told her when she told me of her participation. She only smiled.) And...
The Rest of the StoryOlivia wanted a Halloween themed party. (Easy enough!) I got brave and decided to have the party at our house instead of the church. Our activities included: A spooky scavenger hunt Witches ring toss...
The Rest of the StoryThe weekend after Halloween was a sugary hangover of bliss. Candy and wrappers were everywhere, and everyone was jovial. But one thing that struck me was the generosity of my children. “Mom, have this!” they...
The Rest of the StoryWe kick off October with the celebration of Everett’s birthday. He was so excited, after patiently (or not so patiently) watching all of his brothers have their birthdays for the year. Now it was his...
The Rest of the StoryOctober was this strangely warm and beautiful month this year. Except on the one day I planned and went to Gardener Village for Halloween pictures. Last year I went one day after school so Olivia and...
The Rest of the StoryI can’t believe it’s been nine years! Life is really in 5th gear now. The days fly by and I am finding Olivia growing up before my eyes. I’ve tried to savor these days and...
The Rest of the StoryToday was Baby Nathaniel’s baby blessing. Our Beloved Heavenly Father, Having authority of the Holy Melchizedik Priesthood, we hold this infant in our arms to give him a name and a blessing. The name we...
The Rest of the StoryPart of the pain of watching his brothers have their birthdays was enduring their birthday parties! (Their friends, their games, their presents . . . it was almost too much to bear!) So when Everett’s...
The Rest of the StoryWe kick off October with the celebration of Everett’s birthday. He was so excited, after patiently (or not so patiently) watching all of his brothers have their birthdays for the year. Now it was his...
The Rest of the StoryWednesday was (kinda) Everett’s first day of preschool. It was more of an open-house where you came, parents stayed, and you left when ever you decided you were done. It was more to get to...
The Rest of the Story>
The Rest of the StoryWednesday was (kinda) Everett’s first day of preschool. It was more of an open-house where you came, parents stayed, and you left when ever you decided you were done. It was more to get to...
The Rest of the StoryI started working on back to school dinner a couple weeks ago – I started with our theme painting. I spent several hours over a couple days working on this painting – but it never...
The Rest of the StoryAfter the burst of glowey beautiful happiness that was the birth of Nathaniel Grey, August settled into a sullen, unmovable pout. It rained. A lot. Our basement flooded. Not from the rain. Poop soup, as...
The Rest of the StoryAfter the burst of glowey beautiful happiness that was the birth of Nathaniel Grey, August settled into a sullen, unmovable pout. It rained. A lot. Our basement flooded. Not from the rain. Poop soup, as...
The Rest of the StoryThe kids got up at like 6 am – of course, I had just gone back to bed from feeding the baby. I never got to go back to sleep. I listened to Cal and...
The Rest of the StoryCalvin had his first grade orientation that morning. We spent the afternoon finishing our back-to-school-shopping. We spent the evening setting out all of the school stuff and getting to bed on time (which is WAY...
The Rest of the StoryIt was Monday – school started on Wednesday. So I figured I better get started on back-to-school-shopping. So we spent the bulk of the day running errands. Calvin did play at Cannon’s house, and Olivia...
The Rest of the StoryI don’t ever remember being this tired from a baby before. It’s just a sign that I’m getting old. I can barely think straight, and I feel like I’m constantly in a fog. So on...
The Rest of the StoryIt was the last Saturday of the Summer. We wanted to do something fun, but not overwhelming. So – even though the cabin was still torn apart from projects, we decided to go spend the...
The Rest of the StoryIt was Andrew’s 3rd Birthday! He was so excited for his happy birthday. In the morning we opened presents. He got a bunch of bananas and a box of fruit snacks (exactly what he asked...
The Rest of the StoryOlivia, Cal and Everett went over to play at the Engh’s for the afternoon.
The Rest of the StoryGrandma Christensen took the kids to see “Ice Age 4” at the movies.
The Rest of the StoryIn the morning we went horse back riding. In the early afternoon we went to the dinosaur museum. In the late afternoon we went to the ER. (We thought Olivia broke her foot. Good news,...
The Rest of the StoryAfter having a long conversation with Wyatt the night before about the type of mom I want to be, I decided I would invite friends over for my kids. (We haven’t had many friends play...
The Rest of the StorySunday was the day for our nephew, Baby Aiden’s baby blessing. First we had church. I went because I forgot to get a sub for gospel doctrine. You’d think I’d killed a cat or something...
The Rest of the StoryWyatt was still at the cabin. We ran errands and took baby Nate down to Highland to introduce him to his granddad.
The Rest of the StoryMy tooth has been killing me all winter. It was a wisdom tooth (I never did have mine out) and the dentist told me I needed to have it pulled after I had the baby....
The Rest of the StoryWe had baby Nate’s circumcision. The doctor had me stay and hold the binki in his mouth. I will say I panicked and seriously reconsidered as they started. It was not pleasant for this mamma!!...
The Rest of the StoryWednesday was the first day I ventured out with my new little lovely. I took him to him to Fotofly to have his newborn pictures taken. Remember when I did that with Andrew? Afterward I took...
The Rest of the StoryOne thing I forgot about my babies, and didn’t remember until 10:00 the night before was that my babies never sleep that first night home from the hospital. I don’t know if they just finally...
The Rest of the StoryDay 60 was a Sunday, the day I was scheduled to check out of the hospital. Carrie and Ben came to visit. Then Wyatt came with all the kids in tow, to get me from...
The Rest of the StoryNo one came to visit us in the hospital – my family was all out of town (Carrie and Ben did come see me in the hospital Sunday morning right before I checked out), Wyatt’s...
The Rest of the StoryAfter catching about five hours of sleep, it was time to get up. It was weird having him born on Friday, August 1st because mostly it felt like he was born on Thursday. Anyhoo, Grandma...
The Rest of the StoryWhen morning came bright and early (I didn’t get back to bed until about 6 am, never really fell asleep, and got up with the family at 7), I rolled over and told Wyatt the...
The Rest of the StoryI woke up about an hour and a half ago with a painful contraction. I didn’t have another one for almost 45 minutes. But when it came, it was a doozy as well. Then another...
The Rest of the StoryI’ll admit, today I was tired. Luckily I anticipated this and assigned all cake making to Wyatt. I also bought and wrapped all birthday gifts a while ago so all I would have to do...
The Rest of the StoryThe carpet cleaners came this morning. Of course, it rained cats and dogs all day – keeping the kids in the house but out of the way and off all carpets. It was a fun...
The Rest of the StoryToday the cleaning ladies actually came. I spent the day beforehand getting ready for them – finishing laundry, getting the house picked up so they can just clean. When they came I spent the afternoon...
The Rest of the StorySunday – Wyatt spoke in sacrament meeting on the two fold effort of genealogy and temple work. Afterwards a family dinner at the Christensen’s to celebrate July birthdays.
The Rest of the StorySaturday was a bit of a disappointment – The kids were at Grandma’s house, so we were trying to finish up the last details before the baby. I ran errands in the morning – getting...
The Rest of the StoryOlivia: She lost ANOTHER tooth this week – late on Wednesday. The tooth fairy has been to our house so much in the past several months. She is so proud of how she’s growing big....
The Rest of the StoryThe morning started with a Dr. appt. -Still only dialated to a one, with not a lot of indication that anything will be happening any time soon. I didn’t worry about it – I never...
The Rest of the StoryPioneer Day came with all the excitement and anticipation that always accompanies it. But I was tired. Soooooo tired. We spent the morning working on a couple low key projects around the house (we got...
The Rest of the StoryI feel like in some ways this pregnancy has been shrouded in a haze of too much going on. Every once in a while I think . . . I need to pay better attention....
The Rest of the StoryToday we went to the pool for what I might guess will be my last time this summer . . . **SIGH** Calvin jumped off the high dive, even though he was shaking and tears...
The Rest of the StoryI’m trying to carpe-the-diem of the last few days of our summer. (Once the baby comes, my plan is to hole-up in the house and not do much of anything). So today we had friends...
The Rest of the StoryThe house was still pretty clean from Saturday, and I was feeling MUCH BETTER (read, less stressed). So we decided to do something fun. After grocery shopping (I’m so bad at getting to the store...
The Rest of the StorySunday we were up on time and moving along! Small children were bathed, I was showered with my make up on, and we were cruising towards getting to church on time and unstressed – it...
The Rest of the StoryWyatt was gone to Youth Conference for the first half of the day, and to the cabin to finish the kitchen for the second half. I stayed home and cleaned, cleaned, cleaned. The house was...
The Rest of the StoryThis was the BIG DAY! The day we had CALVIN’s 7th birthday party! He wanted a quasi-Lego themed party – I say quasi because he wanted a Lego party, but he also wanted pirates and...
The Rest of the StoryI spent the day working on a few BIG cleaning projects that needed to be done . . . I cleaned the laundry room. (Let’s be honest, it was bad news). I also did a...
The Rest of the StoryGrandma took the kids to see “Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2” – I was glad they got to do something fun! Meanwhile, Wyatt and I continued in our projects. We went shopping for...
The Rest of the StoryWith the cabinets on the trailer, and the trailer hitched to Wyatt’s truck, he was feeling the pressure to get the cabinets at least to the cabin and get that project started. On Tuesday he...
The Rest of the StoryAfter my long weekend I was a little tired and not up for anything fun. So we stayed home all day.
The Rest of the StoryA quiet Sunday was much needed. Calvin gave a great talk in Primary! That evening Auntie Leslee and Uncle Jason came over and hung out for a little bit.
The Rest of the StoryIn continuation of our projects from the day before, the elders quorum came over and moved the cabinets out of the basement and onto the trailer to finally be taken to the cabin. Wyatt and...
The Rest of the StoryThis was the day the dominos fell . . . It all started YEARS ago (as in 5 years ago, when I was expecting little EJo). Wyatt called me – he had found this great...
The Rest of the StoryCalvin started PIANO! We’re so excited to have two piano playing children in our home!
The Rest of the StoryBy now I was feeling guilty that we hadn’t done anything “fun” in so many days. So I took the kids to the pool for the afternoon. Calvin had a birthday party at 2 at...
The Rest of the StoryOlivia went horse back riding with Auntie Leslee. Calvin was invited to play at Fischer’s house. The boys and I ran errands. Later in the afternoon everyone got to go play at the Fletcher’s house...
The Rest of the StoryAfter our wild week of fun, I was ready for some quiet laziness at home. We spent Monday cleaning the house and being low-key. That night we went to the last of the baseball games....
The Rest of the StoryA quiet Sunday.
The Rest of the StoryThe Rest of the Story
Carrie and Ben came up from St. George to hang out with us for the 4th of July weekend! We started the morning by going to the Granite parade. The kids decorated their bikes and...
The Rest of the StoryWe took a really slow morning at the cabin. We ate a big yummy breakfast, played Cowboys and Indians, and generally enjoyed being together with no pressures.
The Rest of the StoryWednesday, July 2nd was the fulfillment of a 9 year dream . . . To spend the day at the cabin . . . then go to the rodeo in the evening . . ....
The Rest of the StoryThe house was clean, errands were run (that is such a rare thing!!!) so I spent the morning painting. Then we went to the pool for the afternoon. Then I went up to Aunt Linda’s...
The Rest of the StoryLet’s be honest, I needed a catch up day. I slept in until 10:00 am! All the kids were cuddled around me watching morning cartoons while I slept. It felt so luxurious. After that we...
The Rest of the StoryWe decided it was a perfect evening for a neighborhood treat night. At church we did our best to spread the word, and when we got home we called everyone we could think of. That...
The Rest of the StoryWe took Wynn and Heidi (plus grandma and Alyssa) to the cabin. First we got lunch at Wendy’s. At the cabin we did all the usual. Then we had a delicious barbecue. It was a...
The Rest of the StoryAfter a Dr. appointment for baby Nathaniel, we went down to Highland to hang out with Wynn and Heidi. We spent the day at Grandma’s. In the afternoon we went down to Provo to go...
The Rest of the StoryWynn and Heidi came to town! After a few more errands in the morning we met up with them at the Lehi pool to spend the afternoon relaxing in the clouds (of course, it was...
The Rest of the StoryA day – errands, visiting teaching, babysitting, baseball, and that evening a hot date with my woo looking at real estate (our hobby) and eating some snacks at Chili’s.
The Rest of the StoryWe spent the night impromtu at the cabin. That morning Wyatt woke me up to see the bright pink sunrise glowing outside the windows. The kids were still asleep and the world was beautifully silent....
The Rest of the StoryThe house needed some serious cleaning, so we spent the morning doing chores. That afternoon we packed up and headed up to the cabin. We took up my cousins, Erin and Anna and their little...
The Rest of the StoryAn easy going Sunday. That evening we were invited over for a back-yard movie and Frilly Drinks at our friend’s, the Reimann’s house. Good times!
The Rest of the StoryI spent the day cleaning the house and playing with my little ones. Wyatt didn’t get home from his overnight campout with the bigger kids until late Saturday afternoon. After hearing the excitement of their...
The Rest of the StoryWyatt, Olivia and Calvin left for a fun hike/camp to “White Pine Lake” in Logan canyon. They hiked in 4 miles one way. The trail wasn’t too hard (by reports) but was covered in late...
The Rest of the StoryTWO sessions of swimming lessons today (to make up for the cancelled lessons on Tuesday), then an afternoon hanging out with Auntie Leslee and cousins.
The Rest of the StorySwimming lessons, baseball/t-ball.
The Rest of the StoryArt in the park in the morning. I was in charge of the art project. It was FREEZING COLD and rainy – no one showed. Swimming lessons were cancelled due to the cold. Emmett’s birthday...
The Rest of the StoryIron infusion in the morning – then rush home and herd small children into the car for swimming lessons – followed by taking myself to the insta-care because my doctor was out of town and...
The Rest of the StoryWe made breakfast in bed for Wyatt, who unfortunately was a little rushed to get off to church in time. I taught gospel doctrine. But oops, I forgot to prepare (read) my lesson. Awesome. After...
The Rest of the StoryBridal Shower for a girl in our ward – Wedding Reception for Ben, our piano teacher – Shopping and errands – Exhaustion – A fun date night out with my woo! That was our Saturday.
The Rest of the StoryWe came home from the cabin so Wyatt could then turn around and drive back up to “The Big Event” – a scout camp our ward attends yearly. As a member of the bishopric, Wyatt...
The Rest of the Story“I’m just going into the office for an hour” – was the original plan. But just before he left he said – “Well, it might be a little longer. But for sure I’ll be home...
The Rest of the StorySwimming lessons, and laundry, and Oaklee and Aiden, and baseball and tee-ball.
The Rest of the StoryAfter swimming lessons we went up to the Rec Center pool to play for the afternoon. We didn’t get to stay too long though because Calvin had a birthday party to get to.
The Rest of the StoryWe started swimming lessons. All the kids were so excited . . . but Roo was greatly disappointed when he didn’t get to get in the pool. That evening we started baseball and tee-ball.
The Rest of the StoryAfter the BBQ on Saturday night I could feel myself getting sick. First I thought I had the gunk the rest of the family had all week . . . but it ended up just...
The Rest of the StoryOn Wednesday (the last day of school/first day of summer) our friend Stephanie invited all the neighborhood kids to her house for a school’s out ice cream party. Olivia was sick, but I thought once...
The Rest of the StoryOn Saturday at about 10 pm Cal came into our room complaining of a tummy ache. I could tell he was really in pain as he wriggled and writhed on our bed. Finally around 12:30...
The Rest of the StoryOn Tuesday we had sickness in the house – Olivia and Everett were down for the count, and I woke up with an eye infection. Wyatt stayed home that morning for a few various reasons....
The Rest of the StoryEverett has been begging since last fall for his training wheels to be taken off and for us to teach him to ride the bike . . . we finally did it. In just a...
The Rest of the StoryFor Memorial Day we decided to invite our friends, the Ferguson’s up to the cabin for a day of fun. We had a BBQ, rode the 4wheelers, sent the bigger of the littles off on...
The Rest of the StoryI thought I should start a list of all the books I’ve read to the kids over the years (chapter books) – but then I realized I couldn’t remember them all. But I’m going to...
The Rest of the StoryMay has been the month of projects. I thought March was, with Carrie’s wedding. But I was wrong. May Projects: Kylie’s shower Torri’s shower Ward Directory Primary Mother’s Day Video Kylie’s wedding photography Garden Planting...
The Rest of the StoryI have been in the process of planting my garden the past week and a half. Today I planted the corn and sunflowers . . . 3 rows, 100 feet each, every four inches. And...
The Rest of the StoryThere have been a few really great stories about the kid-a-roos these days . . . Olivia: She came home the other afternoon to see the new Ensign and Friend sitting unopened on the counter...
The Rest of the StoryThese past couple weeks have been pretty busy. I threw two showers for two girls in my ward that are both getting married this month. One shower was on the deck out back, so we...
The Rest of the StoryTwo weeks before Easter I got a call at 11:00 at night. It was Wyatt, who was over at the church having Bishopric. He asked if I would talk on Easter. I was asleep when...
The Rest of the StoryFor the Fun! Olivia and I went to St. George to enjoy a girls weekend. We: Went horseback riding Went to a bbq Got snow shacks played in the pool worked on art projects ate...
The Rest of the StorySitting in a tree . . . On March 8th my sister Carrie got married. She married this Banjo-serenading patient-with-the-inlaws dude, Ben. He’s pretty cool. They started dating last spring, though they’d first met a...
The Rest of the StoryThis year the Ridgecrest Elementary Talent Show fell on March 28th. Olivia and her friend Kira decided they wanted to sing a duet, and Calvin wanted to get in on the action too with a...
The Rest of the StoryThis past week I was surfing my facebook feed and I saw a picture of a high school buddy standing in front of the White House. The caption beneath was a post from his mother:...
The Rest of the StoryI know I haven’t been writing pretty much all winter – sick, you know. But I have been keeping the little moments in my heart to write down later. Here they are. About the Girl...
The Rest of the StoryBecause he’s such a smarty pants! About six weeks ago Cal came home from school with a bag of M&M’s – not a snack size, but a real size bag. I asked him what they...
The Rest of the Story*This is a long Andrea rant. If you don’t want to read, I won’t be offended. But if you do, you will learn something about our family that I haven’t announced formally. The Ensign article...
The Rest of the StoryI love you. More than anything. Ever. XOXO, Mamma
The Rest of the StoryTuesday was a bad day. Not only was I generally sick, but I was overwhelmed with discouragement. I was on the verge of tears. At a little after three I heard a knock on the...
The Rest of the StoryMarsha is my dear friend who lives three houses and across the street from me. This blog is littered with stories of fun times with her and her family. Last week she came over and...
The Rest of the StoryI bought a grape fruit last week. It was the first time I’d ventured to the store in over a month. I was only buying neccessities for me. And when I passed the grapefruit, I...
The Rest of the StoryRight now I’m typing on Beth’s laptop on the couch in my front room. Beth came over. After some Christmas pleasantries and a nice chat, she stood up and started cleaning my house. Beth has...
The Rest of the StoryThrowing up is the best ab work out. On Tuesday I told Wyatt I needed root beer. But he was on his way out to a meeting. So I text Leslee. Please bring me MUG...
The Rest of the StoryThis made me laugh and cry. Especially when the dad steps on the legos. That happens at our house. [youtube]
The Rest of the StoryBaby #5 is on it’s way. The story of coming to this point is one for the family history books – so convoluted and confusing to anyone who wasn’t there, it will have to be...
The Rest of the StoryBasically this: Olivia's baptism; San Francisco, Disneyland, Piano Recital.
The Rest of the StoryBedtimes ebb and flow at our house, like the tide . . . like the tiredness of little loves. In the summers . . . well, there is no routine, nothing is predictable, and we...
The Rest of the StoryDuring the break between the baptism and confirmation, while waiting for Olivia to get dried and dressed, we watched this video. [youtube]
The Rest of the StoryAfter writing that post last night, I felt . . . Guilt.Embarrasment.Indignance.Self-Doubt. Because: Guilt – that I was calling someone out. You see, I tend to be passive-aggressive. Bad family habit. I try HARD to...
The Rest of the StoryOne of the comments I get every once in a while from well-meaning people that just drives me UP THE WALL is the comment – “Oh, enjoy it.” As in – enjoy your time with...
The Rest of the StoryOn Saturday, November 2nd, Olivia was baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at the Greenfield Chapel. We were blessed to have so many people come and support our little...
The Rest of the StoryToday my Baby Sunshine was baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It was such a glorious and special day, and more details (with photos!) will follow soon. But today...
The Rest of the StoryThis was the year Everett really seemed to grasp the concept of “Birthday.” Man, oh man, he was excited. As soon as the Sunday before his birthday hit, he announced to all that he was...
The Rest of the StoryOn Saturday we were invited by our dear friends, the Stewarts, to go to Boo at the Zoo – trick or treating and the zoo, it sounded like a great time! Best of all, we...
The Rest of the StoryWe kept Olivia’s birthday party the most low-key of any I’ve ever done yet! It was awesome! We made candy apples, watched a halloween movie, and ate cupcakes and ice cream. Best of all, I...
The Rest of the StoryThis month I’ve felt like a chicken running around with my head cut off – I’ve been to busy that Halloween really snuck up on me! Last week I finally made the kids nail down...
The Rest of the StoryThis summer we finally realized a dream and bought a cabin. We spent a lot of time up there – almost every weekend. And on the weeks we didn’t go up on the weekend, we...
The Rest of the StoryFor the past three years my sister Leslee and her husband Jason, have graciously hosted my family (the Brock family) at the Pugh cabin in the high Uintahs. This year was another fun filled weekend....
The Rest of the Story*I didn’t accomplish my goal of getting all my summer stories written by last weekend. There are still a few more to come* One morning the kids came to me and asked if they could...
The Rest of the StoryIt’s no secret that we love to play in the water all summer long. Here are a few clips from some of our escapades. [youtube]
The Rest of the StoryI’m trying to finish my summer posts . . . hopefully I can get the last couple written today! (Before the official last day of summer on Saturday) – The Last Day of Summer –...
The Rest of the StoryThere is the parable of the widows mite – in my mind a tale of the importance of generosity, of humility, of sacrifice. Of financial effort to build the kingdom of God. A testimony of...
The Rest of the StoryIt has been raining for the past week. Parts of Utah have flooded – though nothing as severe as Colorado. But we have been okay. Just our storm drain gets clogged, making for a giant...
The Rest of the StoryLabor Day weekend was a blast. Friday’s are early out days so we took advantage of the afternoon by going to the pool for one last summer huzzah. Of course, I didn’t take my camera....
The Rest of the StoryThis summer I made Calvin a quilt for his birthday. I always idealized that when we had a cabin, my kids would have warm, cuddly quilts to snuggle under on the cool mornings. So when...
The Rest of the StoryI have had such a hard time getting things done these days. My project list is about 5 miles long, and I feel frustrated and overwhelmed by it all. Even still, I can’t get myself...
The Rest of the StoryOne fun day my cousin, Anna, came to visit. Anna’s family has spent the past year living in Chin