And In Other Pictures
So much fun experimenting the past few days. It started out with an attempt at some self portraits. Need to work on my flash settings. Taking a flash class at the end of the month....
The Rest of the StorySo much fun experimenting the past few days. It started out with an attempt at some self portraits. Need to work on my flash settings. Taking a flash class at the end of the month....
The Rest of the StoryThis week we have been in celebration of Wyatt’s youngest brother’s pending wedding. He was married yesterday (Saturday, August 25th) in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. Since he (Wade) and his bride (Katie) spent the...
The Rest of the StoryHenry & Julie are pleased to announce the marriage of their daughterAndreato her best friendWyatt Josephson of Harold & Lois on the Last Day of SummerFriday, September 21st 2005In the Salt Lake TempleOf the Church...
The Rest of the Story