Reading 2023
I feel like I’m not a very good reader. I have friends who are always brimming with excitement, talking about the books they’ve read – one or two books every week. I read – but...
The Rest of the StoryI feel like I’m not a very good reader. I have friends who are always brimming with excitement, talking about the books they’ve read – one or two books every week. I read – but...
The Rest of the StoryIn January Andrew decided he was going to read the entire Book of Mormon himself. And on Sunday he finished the entire thing. Every time he finished one of the books within the book, we...
The Rest of the StoryOne day last April we were out working in the garden when Wyatt got a text from Uncle Alex. “Flights to Thailand for $400 round trip.” We should go . . . all of us. So that day I bought 7 round trip tickets to Thailand for November.
The Rest of the StoryLast winter I was awake in the early hours with a little one. As I rocked the baby in the pink-grey light, I really tried to meditate on the things that challenge me. One thing I...
The Rest of the Story