For the second leg of our Christmas trip, we rented a “seven passenger” (let’s be honest, it was more like a 4 passenger car in the US) car and drove to Normandy. We managed this feat in such a tiny vehicle by everyone pulling their seats as far forward as they would go, minimizing all leg room, and putting Nate and Roo in the back seat. We then of course had to get the suitcases in, which we managed to do by balancing them on the top of the seat rows, making essentially a cave for Roo and Nate to crouch beneath for the 4 hour drive. Poor Roo, he was SUCH A GOOD SPORT! And it made for a kinda funny story.
We drove into Normandy first thing on Sunday morning in the rain while France played the final game of the world cup. Wyatt and Calvin went to ask for directions to our airbnb and ended up watching the last 30 minutes of the game while the other kids and I sat in the car on a dark street, in the rain. (Not my favorite moment of the trip. But I think Wyatt and Calvin enjoyed it!)
Our Airbnb was across from the courtyard of this church: