I didn’t get to write my own thoughts about this. I’m so excited and happy for Carrie. I think this will be a great experience for her and one she will treasure for the rest of her life. I’m absolutely jealous, but mostly just pleased with her decisions and choices and I’m sure she’s going to rock Brazil!!
Yesterday my sister Carrie received her mission call. Here is her experience in her own words . . .
So Incase you haven’t heard yet, I got my mission call yesterday!! On the 21st of February I will be reporting to the Sao Paulo, Brazil MTC where I will learn to preach the Gospel in Portugese. From there I will be sent to Goiania, Brazil where I will faithfully serve the remainder of my mission.
As of yesterday my parents still had no Idea I was going on a mission so I decided it wouldn’t really be fair to open the call with everyone else around so I just walked over to the temple and opened it by myself. It took myself a while to actually convince myself to actually open it. Once I finally opened it I didn’t even want to read it, I just scanned to paper for where I was going to go…all I saw at first was the Sao Paulo MTC and I couldn’t believe it…then I found the mission, Goiania Brazil. I was exstatic (even though at that point I still didn’t even know where that was). How perfect is Brazil? It’s such a Carrie sort of place to go! I can’t wait to get out there and serve.
I had a powder puff football game over at the college yesterday and I decided this would be the perfect time to announce my mission call to my parents. Before the game started I went up to the announcer and told him the whole situation and asked him if he could announce my call over the loudspeakers. He thought it was a great idea. So about fifteen minutes into the game I hear my name called over the loudspeaker. He had me raise my hand so that everyone would know who I was then proceeded to announce to my parents and everyone else in the Stadium that I had recieved my mission call to Brazil. I couldn’t even see my parents but I knew they where there. Then after a few seconds I hear my dad yelling at me from the stands to get my butt over there. I ignored him and the game moved on. We totally dominated…ok so we barely won, but we still won. I never touched the ball once but everyone said we won because of me…because “I had the spirit of the Lord with me.” Ok maybe you had be there but it was funny.
After the game and some celebrating with the team the family went out to dinner and I finally shared my call with all of them. I think it was my first time actually reading through the whole letter. It was awesome.
So, I couldn’t be more excited! It still doesn’t seem real. I can’t even imagine living in Brazil for 18 months. I know it is going to be hard but I know Im going to love it!! My friend Bevan just got home from his mission to Brazil and he has agreed to help me with the language before I leave. I guess thats one good thing about not leaving for 3 months. Im going to need all the time to learn the language that I can get!! Well, thanks for all the love and support I have gotten from all of you. I hope it continues while I am on my mission. Love ya,
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