This was taken just moment before Cal fell and split his lip
The light was really low – too low for an in-focus shot. I should have had my tripod.
Last night for FHE (Family Home Evening) we went to Silver Lake at the top of Big Cottonwood Canyon with the Enghs. We had a bucket-o-chicken from KFC, and then walked the board walk around the lake. The autumn colors were BEAUTIFUL! Everything had turned, but nothing had dropped yet, so it was very vivid and lovely. Of course I forgot my tripod. I’ve found myself in probably 1/2 dozen prime photo ops lately without a tripod! UGH! But tonight I plan to go to the Alpine Loop WITH tripod to take more pics. You can check out my photoblog for some of my recent images.
Anyhow . . . the lake was beautiful, the kids had fun. Calvin fell and bit his lip really bad. Poor baby. Now he has a fat lip and a black eye (from falling on the windowsill on Sunday). But he didn’t want to be carried or ride in the stroller. He wanted to walk with the big kids. He loves playing with the other kids.
Thanks Enghs for the great idea! It was tons-o-fun!