Olivia and Wyatt built a boat in the living room
Okay, so this is a little late. But I wanted to write a little blurb about what has been going on the past couple weeks . . . not a lot.
The week between Christmas and New Year was kinda weird. Most people (as in anyone we might socialize with) go back to work at some point during that week. But since Wyatt (sorta) makes his own schedule, he took the whole week off. We spent the time playing, and setting goals and de-junking and all the things that you feel inspired to do when the new year starts.
Calvin had rice cereal for the first time
New Years Eve I was actually sick, which was fine with me because I’m a bah-humbug about New Years. I don’t want to HAVE TO stay up late and socialize. But since I was sick this year we stayed in and watched movies and lame tv year-recaps (apparently the biggest thing that happened in the entire world in 2007 was Beyonce falling down the stairs . . . but I’m not going to get started). At 10:00 I went to bed. Wyatt rang in the new year watching a movie by himself.
Since then we’ve been working hard at getting the babies back on their schedules, and getting back into the routine of everyday life. Nothing exciting has happened. Just alot of little ordinaries, which sometimes is great too.