Ick. Sick. Again.
A fever yesterday set the evenings tone. Olivia is sick.
Every few hours in the night: Children’s tylenol, cuddles between Wyatt and me. Calvin in, Calvin out. Feed the baby. More tylenol. Check Calvin. Check baby. Check Olivia.
A couch day today. “Just rest.”
But Cal isn’t sick, and the sun was so promising today. So he went out to play. “Mommy, mommy! I found a million ants!” – Sure enough, he has found an ant hill. He sets about to collect them for his tricycle trunk. And then: “Mommy, come see the creature I caught.” Beneath the plastic snow thrower is a big black beetle. Another excellent addition to his trike trunk. Boy. Boy.
And then some drama. Because this would make for a boring post otherwise.
Olivia’s temperature at approximately 3:45: 105.7º –
that can’t be right. Take it again: 105.3º –
not making me feel any better.
Take it again: 105.5º
Call Dr.
Take Baby Sunshine in for a visit.
Temperature has gone down (or thermometer read incorrectly).
“Yep. She has a fever. Make sure she get’s plenty of rest and plenty of fluids. Give her tylenol.”
Later that night Olivia and I are on the couch. Daddy and Cal are outside cleaning the garage. Baby Everett is asleep.
“Tell me a story.”
One day Olivia and her best friend ______
One day Olivia and her best friend Calvin were walking through the _________
And they walked and walked and walked until they came to a _____________
And they ___________
So they climbed and climbed and climbed to the top of the Rainbow and then slid down the rainbow into the _____________
And in the ocean they swam with _________
And they grabbed the backs of the fish and swam all the way across the ocean until they met a __________
and they had dinner with the crab in the crab’s house which was__________
and the seashell was so beautiful, it was pink and purple and green and yellow striped. And they had dinner with the crab in the crab’s house, and they had their favorite food ___________
Fish and ____________
Fish and broccolli. Yummy! And when they were done they rode the fish all the way back across the sea to the beach. And it was raining _____________
and they sat in the lovely silver rain and enjoyed the evening. Finally it was time to go home. And Olivia’s mommy asked: Olivia! Where have you been?
After our story on the couch, Cal came in. He needed a bath. Boys who clean garages need baths. Calvin literally had streaks from the dirt on his face and hands.
One clean little boy and warm cuddles later and Olivia and Cal are off to bed. Olivia shows me the page she colored while Cal was in the bath. There, written neatly across the top is the word “TREE” – I didn’t tell her how to write it. But I’m pretty sure my child is a genius.
Sweet kids.