So, once, years ago, I decided I wanted to someday learn how to carve wood. For my birthday in November, Wyatt gave me a basic wood carvers starter kit. I have been working on a deer ever since. Let’s just be honest here, and lay it all out on the table. I was kinda proud of my deer, and thought I might be a little gifted in my wood carving endeavors. After tonight . . . well, I’ve got a lot to learn.
Tonight I joined the Salt Lake wood carvers club. They meet in the ice house at Wheeler Farm on Tuesday nights. I walked in at 5 minutes to seven, and was the last one there. I counted; there were 17 men (average age . . . mid 70’s) and two women (besides me)(one woman looked to be in her late 50’s, the other early 40’s).
I laugh so so hard. As soon as the “club business” was over, everyone flocked to me to see what I was doing and teach me how to wood carve. There were literally three people talking to me at once, each trying to give me different tips. Everyone was so kind. Bill, who was sitting right next to me, must be at least 95 years old, with a hearing aide as big as my thumb. He still couldn’t hear me for the life of him. Ross is a bit younger, and will bring me some “proper knives” next week. The woman – I forget her name – told me all about how to carve eyes into caricatures (might work well on my deer too). And Steve gave me tips on sharpening my knives. Everyone was so nice. I’m excited to get to know this group. I am a part of a club!