It’s been a long time since I’ve posted much about my photography. My sister in-law asked me to take pictures of her baby boy, Andrew. Of course, such things are always fun for me.

One thing I did differently with these pictures is that I actually processed them in both b&w (well, a toned b&w) and color. I’m not very good with color. But I want to get better. So I practiced with these. I practiced adjusting skin tones and giving the overall image a soft “baby” feel.

But then, I really do LOVE black and white, so I processed them as such too. What do you think?

My neighbor, Kellie, lent me the basket (THANKS KELLIE!) and we just played around with different poses. It was fun. These were all taken in my living room (construction stuff pushed out of the way).

I like this one a lot. I like the height of the blank wall behind him.

The “baby pictures” I’ve taken in the past have been of NEW borns – less than a week old. Andrew is two months old, and starting to chub out like a baby should. That was fun.

And he was such a good sport – he’d wake up for a minute while we re-posed him, and then fall contentedly back to sleep. Good boy.
Next time I’m doing new born pictures in a yellow golden field. Think of this basket in a field with golden sunlight and big trees. AWESOME. Anyone know of any Fabulous Fields in Salt Lake? All the ones I played in as a kid have since been developed. Bummer.
Those color pictures are amazing. Your b/w always rock but these color ones take the prize. I like the blank wall too and the vignette effect is sweet. It’s posts like this that remind me what a hack I am and what real talent looks like. You will have a great time with JR when he arrives!
I wasn’t quite finished comparing the photo’s before I had to bbq some awesome steaks (thanks Andrea). Anyway, I like the color better than the b/w on the first one and the last one. The way you softened them to match the light and, I think, most of all the combination of light blue and tan towels screams color photo. Your classic newborn b/w make the most of contrast and are legendary, but with these you have earned another star to put on the resume.
They turned out great! Thank you so much! I think I like the colored ones better for this too. Since the values are all lighter and similar, I think the warm color of his skin against the cool color of the towels makes him stand out as the focal point better in color. I like the color fade thing you did around the edges. I knew you’d do good work. 🙂
Mel is my baby sister, so she told me about these pictures. You are amazing!!! I just love these pictures of cute little Andrew. We sure have an adorable nephew, don’t we?!
Very cute pictures. You are so creative and talented!