Because he’s such a smarty pants!
About six weeks ago Cal came home from school with a bag of M&M’s – not a snack size, but a real size bag. I asked him what they were for, he shrugged and said his teacher gave them to him. It was a bit confusing.
Later, on Friday, I decided to check the kids back packs for notes and papers (in being sick, I haven’t been a very on-top-of-it mom). I happened to find a note telling us that Calvin had won the class spelling bee, and would be in the school spelling bee that very Friday morning! We all quickly got dressed to be on time to the event.
I thought it was funny that Cal didn’t seem to have a clue what was going on (that he had won anything). I also found it funny that he won the bee, because, as not-on-top-of-it mom, I certainly have been lacking in working with Cal on his school work and reading like I should. He’s just such a smart and observant learner, he picks so much up on his own. Wyatt and I were so pleased with our cute boy putting forth his best efforts and being his best self, even when mom is, um, lacking.