Last Friday Calvin and I kissed Olivia and Wyatt good-bye, and boarded a plane for Dallas, Texas. I was going to visit my friend, Andi, whom I have been promising to visit for a couple years, and have never made it. I finally made it.
The trip started a little rocky. The woman at the check in counter lost my drivers liscence. It was on her desk behind something or other — I never got the clear story. But we couldn’t find it after ten minutes of searching. Finally, in fear of missing my flight, the counter lady gave me a “pass” to get through security. When they finally did find it, they mailed it to Wyatt, who in turn overnighted it to me, so I could get on the plane coming home!
Once we were actually in Dallas things went much smoother. Andi and I didn’t do a whole lot. One day we went bridesmaid dress shopping, but didn’t find anything. The other days we just went on walks and cooked, and did art projects. We tried a new art form called “Batik”— it was cool. Andi’s turned out much better than mine, her fabric didn’t have such a tight weave. I also worked on my wood carving and photography.
On the flight home the airline lost my bag. It finally came in, and Delta delivered it to my home — at 3:00 am! They pounded on the door waking everyone including baby Cal. Ugh. But at least the bag came!
It was a fun little jaunt to Texas. It was fun to hang out with Andi and not HAVE TO do anything at all. Those are the most relaxing days to me.
Calvin in his “Johnny Jump Up” that Andi gave him