Last month I officially launched Green Orchid Photo. It has been an interesting process . . . the creation of this photo biz. I know I’ve done photography before, I’ve even registered a business. But my direction was never clear, and my confidence was shaky at best.
But during the last several months of 2009 I somehow found a confidence that I had never had before. I had an idea and a direction in the type of photography I wanted to do, and how I would go about persuing my passion.
And then one day in January . . .
Leslee was over for lunch. I was showing her my website, that wasn’t quite finished. I told her I needed to figure out how to create a group on Facebook. I told her about my idea for a wedding giveaway.
Leslee sat down at the computer and created the Green Orchid Facebook Group. She announced the give away. She linked people to my site.
Talk about being pushed out of the nest! There was no going back now! I scrambled to finish the last few details on the site. Then I started to watch . . . would anyone actually visit my site? Would it just be my family and neighbors?
I am surprised at the amount of traffic I’ve received on my site in the past month, let alone the number of entrants I’ve had in my giveaway (my goal was 10 – and I thought that was pushing it).
I’m working hard to create a successful photography business. I love it, and I want to do it more.
The other day I was at the grocery store and I saw a magazing – Utah Bride & Groom – on the stands, with a cover story article about wedding photography. I was busy and didn’t have time to peruse it, but made a mental note to hit Barnes and Noble later to check it out. The article was entitled: 200+ Utah Wedding Photos – Inspiration and Ideas from Local Couples. Well I’m excited to say that I didn’t find ANY inspiration. There wasn’t anything particularly special about the photography that was presented. In short, I think I could do better.
Which is always a shot of confidence.
Tomorrow is the end of my give away. I will be announcing the winners.
But I don’t have any clients – YET.
So I went and took my bambinos on a practice shoot yesterday afternoon. It’s good to go practice. And I think some of these turned out lovely.