I’m trying to finish my summer posts . . . hopefully I can get the last couple written today! (Before the official last day of summer on Saturday) –
The Last Day of Summer – *sigh.
And so . . .
The 24th of July is the day we celebrate our pioneer ancestors first coming into the Salt Lake Valley after their many trials.
The whole state is lit up and fun abounds.
Including in our very own town of Cottonwood Heights. We have the annual Butlerville Days (Butlerville being the name of our area when the pioneers first settled here).
Parade. Party at the Park. Fireworks.
Every year.

And our particular neighborhood has had a tradition of all meeting up at/or after the parade to sit in the shade of the tall pine trees of the park during the town party. There’s free watermelon, and bounce houses for the kids to run to and from, and food and games and vendors. The fire truck even comes to squirt everyone down.
But this year . . .

For some reason they didn’t start the party until a full three hours after the parade. Much too long to sit in the 100+ degree heat with nothing to do.

So we decided as a neighborhood to move the party back to my back yard for a pot luck barbeque. Not everyone came, but we had quite a few to sit and chat the afternoon away with.
Afterwards we all mosied up to the park. They’ve built a new school, so the space for the community party was about 1/3 of what it has been in the past. Our spot under the tall pine trees ended up being just a few hundred feet from the stage where local bands crooned out the tunes of summer.
The kids were restless as we waited for the fireworks. And Everett fell asleep while we watched the heated explosions of glory.

It was such a fun summer day!