So when people ask, “what’s up”, I tend to answer with, “good things”, and thats true, and its mostly the same as everyone else. I live in a house, I eat food, I wear clothes, I drive a vehicle, I play with my kids, I work hard, etc. What I don’t have are any really great hobbies, you know, something to take my mind off of the usual. Andrea is a phenomenal artist, she’s had her work in galleries, and its such a raw natural talent, it amazes me. Anything creative, artsy or genuine is just a part of who she is. She can make anything work when it comes to art, regardless of the medium.
Once at dinner, we didn’t have any butter, so she whips out her paints and makes a tasty spread that looked exactly like butter, in about 30 seconds and although it was paint, I ate it and it was delicious. So later on, it was my turn to make dinner and we didn’t have any ketchup for the hamburgers, so I went to the cupboard and got out the cherry cough syrup. The kids loved it. Andrea banned me from the kitchen. Now when I want a snack or something, I have to fill out a request card which takes 24-48 hours to process….so I’ve learned that I can’t copy someone elses raw natural talent. I am a plain bellied sneetch tolerated among starbellied superstars. A hungry plain bellied sneetch. -w
Please don’t post on Anj’s website anymore.
I loved it Wyatt and think you should write more, but maybe not cook!