I have had this post kicking around in my head for months . . . all winter long really. And it is still not fully formed in my head. But something must be said about Calvin.
Because he is so unbelieveably adorable.
Like you just want to scoop him up and eat him.
Cannibalism. In that motherly sort of way that is so delicious.
It’s the way his little brain works – the things he thinks about, the observations that he makes, the conclusions that he comes to about this world around him – it keeps me entertained and on my toes.
Last January he announced that in the summer he would build a “What-Ever-You-Want-Enator” Don’t ask me where he comes up with this stuff!
*PS- Yesterday I announced that tomorrow is the official first day of summer. And Calvin announced in turn that on Thursday he would, indeed, be building a What-Ever-You-Want-Enator.
When I came home from my trip, Calvin had discovered a few new games: Monopoly and Cashflow. Yes, those games.
He wants to play them all the time. But Daddy wouldn’t let him get the Monopoly game down. So . . . he made his own – drew out the board, wrote out the cards, and culled the house for every toy dollar we owned to be a part of his game.
I played with him one morning on the bench in the entry way.
And when I landed in jail, Calvin told me it cost $500 to get out of jail. But, if I paid a million then I could get out every time. Well, I should say so!
Of course you can’t win when you play him. “Here, change me $1000 for two $500” he said. I handed over my two $500 bills for his $1000. Then he announced: “These $500 are actually worth $10,000 each.”
And that is how it goes.
But his love of money isn’t all bad. We were driving down the freeway last week and Calvin announced “Hey, that’s Hamilton on that billboard!”
As in the dude on the ten dollar bill, so my five year old informed me.
He could win a game show.
What a fun, sweet, cute boy. I need to get him on Ellen or something.