A couple months ago I was walking in to my favorite grocery store (Macey’s) and saw these seeds. For years now I’ve wanted to plant giant sunflowers along my back fence – but like all things yard, I was at a loss as to where to start. It seemed all the sunflowers I saw in neighbors yards were . . . not what I wanted. Last summer one of my neighbors had a fabulous sunflower patch. I know because Olivia and would walk by and see their giant heads peeking over the six foot fence. “Grey Stripes” she told me. I kept my eye out for seeds.
I never found them, but I found these. If they turn out like the packet promises (8-10 feet) I will be very pleased indeed.
I didn’t know how many seeds were in a packet – I guessed maybe five? So I bought six packets. When Olivia and I opened them to count – each packet averaged 30 seeds! 30×6=A LOT OF SUNFLOWERS!
Before we could plant we had to do our prep work: weed the back yard. Luckily weeding sand is a very easy task. Spread in Turkey Compost – I didn’t really know how to do this – I was warned if I didn’t get it mixed in right, stuff wouldn’t grow. But stuff wouldn’t grow without it (backyard=sand), so I did my best. Here’s hoping.
Then we planted about half our seeds (we have alot of seed!) along the back fence. Wish me luck that I have a beautiful fence of sunflowers this summer!
They’ll grow Missy, or my name isn’t Mr Poo.