To say this week was busy makes me roll my eyes. (Wyatt tells me I’m very good at that).
Monday: My 30th Birthday. I said goodbye to one decade and welcomed in a new. We kicked off my 30’s by building a snowman in the front yard with the kiddos. This was a super exciting activity because every year I try to get O to build a snowman with me. This is the first year she hasn’t been to cold to even consider snowman building. We had a ton’o’fun. That night we had a great evening with all our friends and neighbors having icecream and cake.
Tuesday: These girls came to town. Love those girls.
Lexi and Andi came to play. We spent the day shopping and cooking.
Well, Lexi cooked. Andi and I just ate.
Wednesday: I attempted cleaning and shopping all day, trying to get ready for Thanksgiving weekend.
Thursday: A day of gratitude and family. Top ten things I’m grateful this year:
1. My family: Wyatt, Olivia, Calvin, and little Everett
2. My friends and extended family: they have been a great support to me this year. I’m grateful for my relationship with each of them.
3. Wyatt: I know he’s included in number one, but he really is my best friend, and I’m grateful for who he is.
4. Our economic blessings: In a year when the economy has been on the forefront of the news, and many families are struggling, I’m grateful that Heavenly Father has blessed us with enough for our needs.
5. Our health: I know it sounds cliche, but we’ve watched many families in our circle of friends that have faced health related challenges, I have been grateful mine and my family’s healthy bodies.
6. The Gospel: It provides peace in so many facets of my life.
7. My Camera Equipment: Because it’s fun, and I enjoy it.
8. The Memories made in 2009: Vacations, the Rodeo, the anticipation and birth of little Everett, living in cramped quarters while we finish our basement, etc. etc.
9. Progress made on the Cabin: Because it’s our dream.
10. The nation in which I live: in spite of the scary politics and culture that seems to be spreading like wildfire, I love the freedom of the nation in which I live and the general goodness of the people who live here.
Family Thanksgiving at Jena’s house. Back row, left to right: Lance, Jena, Lois, Harry, Heidi, Wynn. Middle row: Me (holding) Everett, Wyatt (holding) Calvin, Katie (holding) Aubrey, Wade, Melinda (holding) Dessie, Jacob (holding) Andrew. Bottom Row: Olivia, Alea, Susannah, Alyssa, Weston, Alex
Friday: Black Friday. After a national sacrament of Thanksgiving, a day of reflection, repentance and acknowledgment of God’s goodness in our lives, I find it ironic that we follow it up with a day of wild and unabashed consumerism. Wyatt and I took part whole heartedly. I’ll go further to say that it was a FUN day. We spent time together, and planned Christmas for the kids.
Saturday: Another day of spending time with friends and family. But after such a long week, I’ll admit, I was getting tired.
Sunday: The day of the Lord, we are taking a day of rest today.