Okay, so here’s the story. Wyatt approached me three or four weeks ago and told me he had been putting aside money (pilfering our budget – which is funny because Wyatt always accuses me of pilfering our budget because I always have an emergency cash stash. BUT the difference is my cash stash comes from my fudge money, not our actual budget. Stink eye at Wyatt) to take me on an anniversary trip. We began planning a great getaway. Then Wynn super-generously offered us two buddy passes. With deeply discounted airfare, the options sprung wide opened. We’d fairly settled on Alaska as our destination of choice. We had a babysitter lined up for ten days, we had airfare, we had it all!
Then came THE HOME IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. We’ve known forever that we needed to cut a door into the basement. People think I’m kidding when I say we can’t get furniture or sheet rock or anything into our basement, but trust me, I’d’ve forgone the project, time and expense if I could have. We need the door into the basement to get the materials in to finish the basement. While we were at it we decided to enlarge the windows (as they were, they were windows of death in case of fire). We decided this fall would be the time. Olivia is only getting older, and we need a yard for her to play in. To fix the yard up we first needed to tear everything up to get the cutting done.
This cabin has a sign on it that says “Moose Track Inn”
Okay, long story short, the guy who came to do the excavating came the weekend before our planned trip. The concrete cutting guys took a day longer than planned, the excavation therefor was held up, then Jared was out of town and couldn’t help us put in windows and doors (at this writing, it’s been two weeks of project, the door is half in, no windows). So . . . the trip got . . . postponed . . . indefinitely. But, I got to be here for Leslee’s homecoming, and Lois did take the kids for two days while we were kinda at a standstill. Wyatt and I got to go to Galleons Lap (saw TWO baby moose), eat dinner at the Road Island Diner, finalize our cabin plans, eat lunch at Mamma’s Cafe, and otherwise hang out. Today Jared came to help with the doors and windows. Lois still has the kids. Tonight we’re going to Ruby River and a movie.
We’re thinking of using the tickets (which are still good) for Puerto Rico in January.