These notes are for myself – feel free to read them, but they aren’t particularly interesting. However, after keeping notes like this for about two years now, I am finding that I do go back and reference them to remember where I bought things, what I bought, etc. And that is helpful.

The weather finally warmed up this week. With warm temperatures in the forecast for the next ten days I took the initiative to get my yard planted. Normally I wait until the end of May, but I will be out of town the last week of this month, so I started early.
I found flowers at Costco this year that I liked (petunias and impatiens) in addition to the tomato plants that I usually get there. They had good prices, even better than the Mother’s Day sales that were going on at all the other nursery’s.

But I also got some plants at Home Depot because they are close and they also were better prices and surprisingly had more selection than the (one other) garden center I went to.
I didn’t bother getting any perennials this year – mostly because the two places I went didn’t have what I wanted (I’m looking for some pretty double coneflowers). But I might go back to Home Depot – they have some pretty Delphiniums that I might go for. I also might go get some Hostas for under my tree, where nothing grows.

I haven’t planted my vegetable garden yet – I thought I would do that on Saturday when Wyatt was home because I thought he would want to be a part of it. But he got busy on another project – so we never got that far. I will probably do it tomorrow.

Last year I got a beautiful, delicious tomato from Connie Vining at the RS Garden Exchange. I made a mental note to ask her about it this year. I called her this week and she told me it is called a “Celebrity” tomato. She says she was told it is the type of tomato used by Campbells in their tomato soup. I noticed they do have that variety at Costco, though I didn’t get one. I will add that to my list for this week.

Also, I was talking to Roy Nydeggar who told me you can get Pink Flowering Dogwood’s on sale at Nole’s Nursery this week. That’s good because everywhere I’ve been and everywhere I’ve called, has not carried that tree. I really want one.