When I found out baby #4 was a boy, there was a lot of emotion. But one thing that has pricked my heart consistently in those months since that day, was the realization that Olivia would probably never have a sister.
The tragedy of that reality was ginormous. Like swallow the universe whole type of thing.
This has been a trouble to my heart all this time.
But then, these past few months have taught me another thing:
Sisters are to be found everywhere.
Because this year I have found many more women to call my sisters.
I have been on the receiving end of so much service this year, I can hardly contemplate it all.
There was Beth, who drove 40 miles one way with her brand new husband, when they were poor and newly wed, to clean my house on Saturdays . . . almost every Saturday the entire semester.
There was Jena, who came over with enough food to last us a week, and spent the afternoon giving me encouragement with her company.
There was Carrie, never more than a phone call away to come babysit on a moments notice, just so I could take a nap.
There was Nicole, who sent me constant words of encouragement through email and blog comments, who brought dinners when it was too much, and visited me when I was too sick to leave my own sad house.
There was Kellie, who cleaned my house, who entertained my kids, and who was always ready to make me laugh.
There was Jill, who spent an entire afternoon weeding my yard and transplanting my sunflowers, while I sat lazily in the grass and watched.
There was Lois, who has managed my lawn care, not just this year, but every year since we moved here.
There was my mother, who has come from St. George on a moments notice to keep me company on days when I was bored.
There was Brenda and Natalie, both with their own illnesses to contend with, who dropped off and picked up Olivia from pre-school all spring so I didn’t have to get out of bed.
There were the words of friends, who lived near and far . . . words of encouragement, empathy, and surety that things would get better.
A few weeks ago I had a humbling experience of receiving yet more service. At first I felt the pangs of embarrassment as a friend did for me something I could surely do for myself. But the thought that came to me was: As Sisters in Zion we all work together.
And I realized in that moment that Heavenly Father wants me to allow others into my life. By loving each other and serving each other, and by receiving service from each other, we can find the fullfillment of joy that we are meant to have.
And it is a relief to know that Olivia can have sisters of her own too, as she embraces the good women who will invariably be a part of her life.
That is seriously one of the sweetest posts ever!!!!
It is so true too. I don’t have a sister and have always wished for one. But I have the BEST relationship with my mom. Olivia has an amazing mom that she will be so grateful for. You nailed it on the head when you talked about all the wonderful woman/sisters that surround us. I know I too am grateful for good friends that double as my sister. Thanks to you for filling that role! xoxo