Today is Saturday, but the kids are in bed, and with any luck I will be too in a matter of minutes . . .
So I’m going to pretend it’s Sunday.
And if it’s Sunday that means I’m 16 weeks along today.
(And the crowd goes wild).
Week fifteen is one for the record books.
1) I made cookies with friend Nicole – felt like almost a normal mom, AND socialized. Take that universe!
2) Calvin had a minor emergency that involved trips to two dentists offices and Primary Children’s Hospital for some very dramatic stitches.
3) Olivia’s got strep (or something) and had a fever for 48 hours now. Tylenol, Motrin in rotation.
FRIDAY my mom called and asked if I needed her to come up and help. I said “no, we’re fine” very bravely. But then, that was at 11:00 am. By 4 pm I was near tears and reconsidered. Perhaps I shall see if she can come on Monday (when Wyatt abandons me to his own battles).
Because Friday really was the worse day. Cal had just returned home from his hospital adventure the night before with a whole list of “dos” and “don’ts” for his care. Olivia’s fever had just taken hold. And I was overcome with perhaps the worst day of nausea I’ve had in several weeks.
At five thirty I had just set the oven to preheat – we only eat freezer meals, remember? – and no sooner had I pushed the button than a knock came at the door. I made my way to the door – still in my PJ’s, hair unbrushed, teeth unbrushed, but whatever.
And there was my neighbor Tiana, with rolls and cookies and even pudding and Jello for Calvin. A few minutes later Nicole arrived with homemade chicken noodle soup. Because they had seen/read on Facebook about little super Cal and had plotted together to bring us dinner.
And I wanted to cry.
And I was even so overcome by loveliness of it all that I ate my own bowl of soup. (Which is the first time I’ve eaten after 5:00 in two months).
And I took pictures to post to my blog. But in case you haven’t noticed, I haven’t done so well at getting pictures on my blog lately. So . . .
Sixteen weeks feels like a milestone to me. In addition to crossing life of in weeks, I cross life off in chunks of 4 weeks. And 16 means I’m only 4 away from 20, which is the ultrasound week/confirm to Wyatt that we’re having a girl. And that makes me SO VERY HAPPY. And it also is the nearing of the end of the sickness (PRAY, PEOPLE! PRAY!)
You cute thing! I hope you and your family have a better start to the week that at the end of the last one. We had so much fun with you guys this week. I loved just chatting with you! Yay for only 4 more weeks to go. I love this count down.
Congratulations on conquering 16 weeks of baking baby! I am so very proud of you! I am very sad to hear about Calvin’s accident. My teeth/gums have been hurting ever since I heard the story. I’m glad that he is okay now. I am also sorry to hear that Olivia is sick now…. I can’t believe your luck or lack there of! If I were a fortune teller, I would see good things coming your way this week. Not necessarily anything dramatic like Everette teaching himself to be potty trained or Olivia turning 16 and able to babysit or your sickness to stop; but, that simply you would look back at week 16-17 next Sunday and say: ” That wasn’t so bad! No one got sick, no one got hurt, and my frozen dinner was awesome!” Now if a few awesome things happened along the way that would be good too. Basically what I am trying to say is that I hope you have a FANTASTIC week! We love you and miss you!