It was an exciting day today. Mommy & I went to Silver Lake with Jaxon & Logan & Kellie, where we got to walk and run on the boardwalk around the lake. There was still some snow up there, so we were careful not to go off the trail. We looked for fish in the water, and had our picture taken in the beautiful mountains!

Then in the afternoon we went to our friends, Hadley & Devin & Morgen’s house. Hadley & Devin’s rabbit had bunnies a few weeks ago, and we went down to play with them. They were so cute! They were just the perfect size to hold and pet, but they did startle me every time they jumped.
After that we went to a couple garden nurseries with Grandma Christensen. Grandma Christensen is teaching us about how to grow a garden, and she showed us some of the best places to get plants, and what plants to get.

Then, to top everything off, that evening Jaxon and Logan came over to play with us again! We rode around in their brand new Radio Flyer wagon–it’s the deluxe model, complete with bucket seats and drink holders. We went to the park behind the church and played over there for a while, and then came home and played at my house until really late . . . Daddy & John were watching the Jazz Basketball game, so it was a late night.
What a fun and exciting day. But I sure am tired now!