Sweet boy . . .
I have this panicked desire to record who you are at age one/two. I want to remember how your legs are so chubby, and your hands are always sticky. I want to remember how you giggle – giggle at everything, and you are most content with a soft blankie and two fingers in your mouth, lounging on your mamma or daddy’s lap. And how you greet people by running at them, full speed, to envelope them with an Ejo hug.

Last week Calvin was sent to time out – and I came around the corner, and there you were, sitting next to your brother, doing his time with him. You didn’t care if you sat at the end of the hallway, bored without toys or treats – you just wanted to be by your brother!
And Olivia, how you love your Olivia. You are always calling and checking for her. Your favorite thing these days is to walk with Olivia to the bus and go to pick her up.

You are so soft and careful with your baby Roo. You kiss him softly and help him with his binkie.
I love it when we say prayers at night – you list each member of your family –
Say daddy – Dadda
Say Mommy – Mommy
Say Olivia – Ah-Ya
Say Calvin – point to Calvin or say where he is because you can’t say Calvin yet
Say Andrew – Baby
Say Daisy – Daisy
You love your family, and we love you – more than I’m afraid you will ever know! Goodness, but you are the shining sparkle that we need for our happiness!
Love, your Mamma

For Everett’s birthday we went to South Towne Mall and rode the carousel, and then to BK for ice cream cones and the playground.
We also sang Happy Birthday to Ejo until he was grumpy. I don’t think he really understood the what the whole fuss was about. But he did like the part where we all gave him presents. We gave him a set of matchbox cars and several little balls (couple foot balls, couple soccor balls, etc – just the mini type. I figured they’d be good for the backyard.) He LOVED the matchbox cars best of all. He gathered them into his arms – there were so many they were falling out! And then he refused to share with Calvin, which was very hard for Cal, and he just played with them non stop for the next two days.
We also invited a bunch of peeps over for some cake and ice cream in celebration of our dear little Everett. We will do another family party later.
Are any of these pictures ones I took? That would make me so happy to have one of my pictures published on your website!!