My pea plants have little pods growing on them–the green skin swelling from the goodness within. I picked my first one yesterday . . . fresh peas from the garden. I think they need a few more days to ripen. And then think of the possibilities!
Summer is here, and Wyatt and I are really enjoying it! I don’t know what it is about summer, but the liveliness of the earth seems to make me so much more lively! I even lost some weight at my last doctor appointment (not generally considered a good thing when you’re expecting). But it’s not from lack of eating. My metabolism just goes up in the summer — plus I’m eating more fresh foods . . . that probably helps.
Over memorial day weekend Wyatt and I went on a hike to a small waterfall up a little canyon. It was only about 3/4 of a mile (one way), so it was a nice little morning hike.

The pool has also opened again. And this year Olivia’s swimsuit actually fits! (It’s the same one as last year -size 6-9 months). We went to the pool on Monday–when it reached 95. At first baby O wasn’t too sure about the whole gig, but she warmed up to the water when she discovered the slide that she could (so bravely) climb up, and go down by herself. By the end of the afternoon she thought this whole pool thing was quite possibly the greatest thing ever!