Today was one of those days . . .
The culmination of one of those weeks.
Nothing was enough, and it all was too much.
And then . . .
Tonight, after returning from date night –
the kids were still awake, and started fussing when we came in.
I went in to coo and cuddle them back to bed.
I sat down by Calvin and asked if I could sing him a song.
“Child of God” he said.
I sang all three verses . . . twice.
And then moved through my entire repertoire of lullaby’s and primary songs.
Finally, as I could think of nothing else to sing –
And Cal’s heavy eyes had finally just closed . . .
Olivia said (from the top bunk, who also had been making serenade requests)
Spontaneously and sweetly:
“Mom . . .”
“I love you.”
And then the day melted away, as the babies, into sleep.