I was talking to my dear friend Morgen on the phone today, and she said she thought I was dead because I haven’t been updating the site very often. The excuse is two fold: 1) The winter blahs really struck hard when it turned to spring only in theory (the cold weather remained far longer than was welcomed) and 2) I’ve been doing A LOT of web design this winter, and have since become very anti-working on the computer. So I have not been as diligent about being peppy and informative about life.
But there have been a few photos I’ve been meaning to add. Some are from as far back as March – an early Spring Baseball game, the ward Easter Egg Hunt, a cousin’s birthday party at Jungle Jym’s and Calvin in the swing. Here are a few. See the rest in the scrapbook under Jan – Mar 2008 or Apr – Jun 2008