A couple years ago (when Calvin was in the thick of his “Presidents” stage) Cal asked if we could go to Mt. Rushmore. We both kinda brushed it off until we were on a big National Parks kick. We realized it’s not too far of a drive and easily broken up into two days. So last year we were going to try and go. But we never made it because of the move.
So this year we decided to carpe diem over Spring Break. It goes against everything that is culturally right to go NORTH over spring break. But we broke the mold, set our GPS for South Dakota, and turned up the road trip tunes.
We had the whole park pretty much to ourselves (seriously, there was an afternoon where we had the entire huge amphitheater that’s attached to the visitor center, right in front of the monument, completely to ourselves for an hour, and the kids made a game of bouncing their bouncy ball down the amphitheater). The weather was great. We saw the monument, plus the Crazy Horse monument, and went on a tour of Jewel Cave. We swam in the hotels, and hiked. We saw Independence Rock and stopped at Martin’s Cove. We had such a fun time. It was really a great spring break!