Over the summer I came to realize something – well, I came to the point where I was willing to deal with something I had long realized:
I use waaaaay too much time on my phone.
I think the final straw was one afternoon when I sat absent-mindedly reading about Angelina Joli’s divorce. Nate came up and asked me something (what, I will never know), and I gave him the “hmm’s” and “okay’s” with the intermittence of once who is clearly not listening.
When I finished the article I looked up. Nate was gone, and I had no idea where he had gone or what I had agreed to.
And here’s the thing . . . I’m not even a fan of Angelina Joli.
So, when I blew off my most precious seven year old to spend time thinking about her life . . . that’s when I knew it was out of control in so many ways.
And so that day I deleted off my phone my two biggest time sucks – Instagram and Safari (the internet at large).
And I haven’t looked back.
But here’s the thing – IG had become my new “sort of” blog – a way to record those little moments.
But also, not that great as I think about, because writing out captions on a phone sucks. So lots of times the stories, thoughts, or heart of the matter was missed entirely. Lame.
And when I deleted it I realized I needed to restore my blog. It had been taken over by hackers sometime in the couple months before that moment, so I knew starting it up again would be a process.
But I’ve been hard at work on it for a couple months, and I’m finally ready to start posting.
There’s still lots of work to be done. But I need this blog. My kids need this blog. We need the stories and the moments to be preserved. We need a place to celebrate the wins in our lives. We need a place to count our blessings and remember the love we feel for each other.
So, welcome back Blog! I’ve missed you!