For the past three years my sister Leslee and her husband Jason, have graciously hosted my family (the Brock family) at the Pugh cabin in the high Uintahs. This year was another fun filled weekend.
Leslee arranged for some art projects, but I didn’t do any because I was working on my bees.
We went 4-wheeling all over the Uintahs. One time while I was out riding with my mom, I actually got pulled over by a ranger, who thought I was too young to be driving by myself. My mom thought that was sooooo funny!

We went to the lake (what lake is it that we go to?!) to fish. As soon as we got our canoes on the water it started down-pouring! The waves were wild and I was worried we would get tipped with our little lovelies! We made it back to shore, but not the marina, where we had to plead with old-men-fishermen to help us out without dumping everything.
We all took turns riding the zip line. We’ve never ridden the zip line before. (Why?) The kids thought it was the most fun, and Olivia and Calvin even convinced Wyatt to let them go by themselves (I was inside, or I might have veto’d that.)
Poor little Hailey was sick, and cried and cried, poor little love. I felt for her, but mostly I felt for her mamma, because it is no fun to be stuck with a bunch of people when you have a sick baby to care for.
And the food, of course the food, was SO YUMMY! Everyone brought the best food to eat for meals, and snacks. I probably gained ten pounds that weekend off M&M’s and curry and gummy worms!
Hurray for another successful Brock Family Cabin Trip. Thank you Auntie Leslee for hosting, and Uncle Jason’s pappy for providing the place 😉