My degree is in International Development. What’s that? It’s basically the study of cultures and people around the world, and the development challenges they face. It includes theory and practice in today’s international aid approaches. It’s a great degree for working for an NGO or the United Nations or going to graduate school. It’s not a particularly great degree if you want to bring in BUCKS.
In my undergrad years I worked and volunteered for various NGO’s, learning about how the development world works. Basically, there’s a ton o’ corruption. Wow. Was that jaded? Since college I have realized that joy is an innate part of the plan of salvation, and Heavenly Father seems to spread it around regardless of a persons social or economic circumstances. Does this negate the need for charity? Does it negate the need for development? No. But it does make my shoulders tense with annoyance when Brad Pitt comes on the television:
I’m Brad Pitt. I make mo’ money. I’m beautiful. You respect me for no legitimate reason. I endorse this ad.
It makes me realize that changing the worlds problems is much more complex than the 30 second television ads or media spots make it out to be. And as for saving the world . . . I’ve come to realize there’s only one person that can do that.
Now I sound like a regular cynic with a chip on my shoulder. I console myself with my justification that I do donate (much more than) my daily cost of a pick-me-up beverage to various organizations that I believe are able to provide true help to those in need. I also try to be a kind person who is mindful of those around me, whom I can immediately help with my words and deeds. I don’t think of Brad when I’m doing it either.
Okay, now that I’ve shouted from my soap box, check this out. Grameen banking (the type of aid they are suggesting in this ad) has actually been shown to be one of the most effective types of aid in development. Grameen banking involves giving a loan (complete with interst rate and repay conditions) usually to a woman who uses the money to start a small business. She then is able to improve the lives of her and her family, pulling multiple people, and multiple generations out of poverty.
I’m Andrea Christensen. I make mo’ money. I’m beautiful. You respect me for no legitimate reason. I endorse this ad.