UPDATE: We took Cal back to the doctors on Wednessday, three weeks after his initial visit. He weighed in at 15 lbs, 10 oz. and the doctor is happy with his progress. He’s still supposed to eat at night (no sleeping through the night yet), but Dr. Gardiner thinks things are going well, and by his next appointment (next month) we should be able to start getting him to sleep through the night and eat more regularly. Good baby Calvin.
This article was originally published on January 30th, 2008.
Baby Cal turns six months old today . . . in fact, in about an hour! What a darling little boy he is too. He sure can turn my heart to mush.
He rolled over for the very first time today. I put him on his tummy, with the binki a few inches out of reach. And with great effort he threw himself from his tummy to his back in effort to get closer. Only trouble was, once he was on his back, he couldn’t see the binki anymore! Luckily mamma was close by to award him his prize. He performed his new trick 3 times. HURRAY!
He had his six month Dr. appointment today. That didn’t go as well as one might hope. He’s actually lost weight in the past two months. He weighed in less today than he did at his appt. two months ago. Dr. G was concerned and is having me feed him solids etc. over the next two weeks, at which point he must go in and be weighed again. He also gave the little guy an ant-acid which should help curb his constant regurgitation. That will be nice . . . to get through a day-or an hour, or whatever the case may be- without needing to change my clothes (let alone his!).
I think he’ll be okay though. What a dear little cubby. And of course he did get his shots. . . four today. What a brave and dear little cubby.