My blog has been down for a full week now. Talk about withdrawals!
But I just got off the internet, reading about a woman who’s baby died – choked on an apple at church. Heartache.
Oh babies . . .
Olivia –
your kindness, your serious eyes, how you see the world in deep, rich colors. Your simple belief in everything I say. Your simple submission to everything I say. Your heart. Your love. Your yellow hair and clever remarks. How you pinch. How you used to make funny noises with the back of your hand. How you used to be afraid of everything. How you are so so brave.
Calvin –
that smile, those dimples, that determination. You won’t be distracted. You won’t be disuaded. You are the very defintion of fun. You’re curious. You love books. You wear underwear now, and you’re so proud. You love tomatoes. Goodness, you love tomatoes. You love your daddy. You only want him to help you. You love to help me. Help me cook, help me clean. You play with Olivia, and coo at Everett. You are inbetween, and sometimes need reassuring. You love cuddles.
Everett –
so charming. So big. You smile. You laugh. You tell stories with your coos. Sigh, you smell so sweet. You fold up so easily. You sprouted teeth . . . so young! You look, you’re interested, you are so eager in that little body of yours to be big enough to keep up with that brother and sister of yours. You are patient. You are good natured. You are so wonderful.
Wyatt –
Aren’t we lucky to have so much wonderfulness? The chaos of it all is sometimes the best part. And waffles on Sunday morning. Oh, yeah, and dance class. And looking for the four wheeler keys. And the piano banging SO loudly every night. And games of chase. And every single toy in the house being dumped onto the floor of their room so there isn’t even any carpet showing. And having to walk out to the garbage can barefoot in January at least 3 times a day with the STINKIEST diaper ever! (Even more stinky than the last one). Oh yeah, and trying to talk over the yelling contests, and “kid movie night” and I’m pretty sure Cal used my toothbrush for something he shouldn’t have. And sleeping and waking up at 3 am to Olivia asking: “Is it morning yet?” And Calvin accosting you the moment you walk in the door: “I want my keys back!” Those are the best parts.
We’re lucky.
Lucky us.