This morning we had our prenatal ultrasound! That appointment is one of, if not the most exciting one. They take pictures of the baby, and, if you want (of course I want!) they will tell you the gender.

We are having a baby boy. His name (if all goes according to plan) will be Wyatt Calvin. We’ll call him Calvin or “Cal.” I must admit, I’m a little nervous about having a boy. With a girl, everything seems so easy. (I don’t understand why people say girls are hard). Maybe it’s because I have such great relationships with many women in my life–my sisters, friends from years past. I understand women, and don’t find them very complicated. Boys on the other hand . . . But Wyatt is excited as all get out to have a little buckaroo of his own 😉

I’m already planning his nursery (a jungle theme). With any luck, I’ll find someone to trade furniture with (Olivia’s is too girly). Wyatt and I went shopping for little Calvin yesterday. We got him a few blankets (I know, I have over 50 from Olivia, but again, too girly), and some jammies and a few toys for his room, which Olivia has already claimed. We got him a little zebra which Olivia carried around all day, giving hugs and kisses too. Oh dear. It’s going to be a battle to teach her that now not everything we buy is for her. But Calvin doesn’t mind sharing . . . for the time being.