in highschool, I had silver shoes. Not grey, mind you, not pewter. Sparkly shiney patent leather silver Mary Jane shoes. Platforms, of course.
I wore my silver shoes with my tie-dyed tights. Bright color splashed across my calves, over my knees, and up my thighs under my dress.
A silvery-golden moonlight colored dress . . . think of the glimmer left behind by a snail in the mornings on the sidewalk. The skirt of the dress was polyester, the sort that doesn’t wrinkle, even if you wad it up into your suitcase. The bodice was satin and shimmery.
Over the dress I added another skirt – strips of shear organza in every color: pinks and yellows and blues and purples and every color in between. The colors fell over my hips and down my legs, and as I moved another color would appear as they combined together to create new layers of transparency.
On my head I wore a crown of star confetti in a wreath; with ribbons of all colors cascading in curls and streamers down my back.
And around my waist I wore a golden cord, with a bag of three goldfish swimming, suspended from the knot tied at my hip.
When I walked into school that day, Mr. Rosett stopped me in the hall. “What are you?” he asked.
“A rainbow.” I told him.
I think that might have been the only time I met Mr. Rosett’s approval.
That was the last year I went trick-or-treating too.
These are my ideas for this year:
If Olivia is into it: she can be a summer fairy, and I’ll be the fall fairy. If she doesn’t want to do that, then she’ll be a ghost (the other thing she’s mentioned in interest), and I will be a butterfly.

I LOVE the rainbow! It made me giggle – how creative. Halloween is so much FUN ~ I love it