Today I went to my brother, Danny’s wedding. He married Eliza in the Manti Temple. It was a beautiful day!
We started out the festivities on Thursday night, when Carrie & I (well, mostly Carrie) threw Eliza a bachelorette party. We weren’t too wild and crazy though. We watched a chick flick & did pedicures & chatted it up.
Friday morning the events started early. First I had to go be fitted for my bridesmaids dress. The outfits were handmade by a woman in my parents ward, and they were-ahem-not so good. They were a top & skirt made of a wine red satin. Finally it was decided that the tops were unsalvagable with the time-frame (the reception was that evening), so four of the seven bridesmaids, including Carrie & I, went shopping for suitable tops. We found some really nice boat-neck, three quarter sleeve black shirts that were perfect! The near disaster turned out great!
After that we went and got our nails done. Leslee & Beth who had been out of town, flew in at three, and we got ready & headed over for pictures before the reception, which started at six-thirty.
Today we had to get up early in order to be in Manti on time. I drove down with my three sisters. There was a luncheon, and then the ceremony. The temple is one of my all time favorites–especially as a location for a wedding. It’s so perfect on the hill! We also got to take a little temple tour and see some of the really neat architectural aspects of the building.
Eliza seems incredibly in love with my brother, and I’m so happy for both of them. It was so awesome to see Danny so truley happy. They make a great couple and will have such a happy life ahead of them!