This past weekend was the fourth of July. To celebrate Wyatt and I decided to go to the Oakley rodeo. (We’ve wanted to buy a cabin in Weber canyon just outside Oakley, and thought the rodeo would be a good family tradition to start). Then we found out our friends from our ward were also going to the rodeo. To make a long story short, we spent the weekend at their cabin outside Heber, and all went to the rodeo together. It was sooo much fun. Friday night we hung out and played games, and Saturday we went fishing at Jordanelle and then BBQ’d and headed to the rodeo.

Then Wyatt’s brother Wynn invited us down to Arizona to finish out the Holiday weekend at his place. We jumped a flight early Sunday morning, and spend Sunday, Monday & Tuesday there. Wynn and Heidi are a lot of fun–they’re very laid back, so it’s great to go visit them. We went to the pool a couple times, and just generally hung out, and relaxed. On Tuesday (the Fourth of July) we went to fireworks at a local church. Olivia wasn’t too impressed though. She fell asleep half way through them, and even managed to stay asleep through the finally and cheering from the crowd.
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