So, in case you didn’t gather from the last post, Calvin and I have been diagnosed with Swine Flu. I thought of Photoshopping a picture of me with a pig nose – but since cute pictures of me are already hard enough to come by, I thought I better not add to my humiliation.
There have been good things about having the swine flu. Earlier in the week I was more aware of them. As I am now on day seven of being sick, my morale is not so high, and my optimism not so great. But I will share them with you.
1) I get to be part of the great “Pandemic” – and be avoided like the plague. I’ve heard about the H1N1 virus for months now. Now I get to claim to be a part of it. That’s kinda cool. I mean, can I say it anymore? I have swine flu.
2) When we are done with being sick, we will then have anti-bodies to create our own immunity to the disease for next fall and winter, when, I’ve read, it should really hit in full force. Not only will I have the immunity, but little Cal, and perhaps most importantly, the NEW baby will be immune. It is only in this that I wish O had gotten sick too, although one more sick person at our house might push us over the edge.
3) Super-Y . . . my super-hero husband, has made his presence known. He came home Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday nights and took care of the kids, made dinner, EVEN cleaned the house. He made sure I was comfortable, and did everything I asked, and told me to stop doing the things that I tried to do, telling me he’d take care of it. He gave me a blessing on Wednesday night, and I was reminded the magnitutude and importance of having a “righteous priesthood leader” in my home.
4) Marmie came to take care of me. When the official diagnosis came in on Wednesday afternoon, I said “Maybe I’ll call my mom to take care of me,” and my neighbor asked “would she really do that?” And I said – “Oh, sure.” Well, it took a while to get hold of her – she was out boating Wednesday afternoon. But first thing Thursday morning up she came (from St. George). She’s kept my dishes clean, made meals for everyone (Wyatt was at the end of his 3 meal knowledge), and did ALL the laundry in my house, including sheets and blankets, a major feat. She’s gone to get me popsicles and sprite, and generally made our lives much easier. Mom always knows what to do for sick people. It’s one of her gifts. One of her very very many.
5) I got my first “sent” flowers yesterday. Now, lest you think Wyatt never gets me flowers, let me assure you, that’s not true. He was better when we were dating and first married (as I suspect most men are), but he still comes home with a boquet several times a year. He just doesn’t send me flowers. He brings me flowers. So the difference in delivery was neat and exciting.
I’m really ready to be done with my symptoms. I’m ready to be healthy and play in the sun that has FINALLY come out. But I suspect I will have a few more days before I will begin to clear up. My mom read on the CDC website that I was considered contagious for seven days after the onset of symptoms. That means tomorrow I can go out, even if I’m still yucky. I probably won’t socialize, but I might go out and transplant my sunflowers and take my kids to the park. I’m ready for summer. Can you blame me?
You have a great mom and I know you appreciate her. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive Carrie for infecting you and Cal. The rest of us will try to find a way to forgive Super Y for the “family council” in Manti last Christmas. Mainly we’re all more than ready for Andrea to be back among the living so we can play.