Yesterday I went up to Leslee’s house to help her with some baby projects (painting furniture). Then last night I went shopping for a gift for her. Today I threw her a shower. I noticed that the entire time I wanted to scream “LESLEE! YOU HAVE SO MUCH TO DO, SO MUCH STUFF YOU STILL NEED, SO LITTLE TIME TO FINISH!”
I think I have nesting on her behalf.
But I had to remind myself (it was a mental conversation the ENTIRE day) that it’s okay, if she’s not worried, I shouldn’t be. All I can do is help and let her have it the way she wants it.
But I was so tempted to just jump in and do everything for her!
(I did volunteer to paint the rest of her furniture for her. It will be my project for next week).
I am so excited to meet Mademoiselle Pugh.
PS – Dear Olivia, yesterday I realized that I am definitely going to be one of those moms. One of those moms who’s totally in your face while you are expecting. We will be shopping, and decorating and shopping and decorating the entire nine months. I may be able to garner some control with my sister, but with you I will be at a complete loss, and you will just have to put up with me. Just a heads up.