Pioneer Day came with all the excitement and anticipation that always accompanies it.
But I was tired.
Soooooo tired.
We spent the morning working on a couple low key projects around the house (we got the pocket door installed in the laundry room finally!)
At one point I sat next to Wyatt on the couch and confessed . . .
“Too bad it’s Pioneer Day, because if it wasn’t I would just stay home and relax all day.”
And Wyatt agreed.
So we decided to go to the afternoon parade at Butlerville Days, but then skip the carnival and park and fireworks afterwards and just come home.
And that’s exactly what we did.
Which worked out really well because my brother Larry and his cute family came over! We had pizza and root beer floats and sat on the deck while the kids ran in circles around us.
After they left we set up a movie on the deck and pulled the trampoline over to watch. We watched “The Sandlot” – such a classic movie. Everett and Roo were alseep within a half hour. Olivia and Cal enjoyed the whole show.
It was a perfect evening.