Monday I went in to see the Doctor.
They were worried because I’ve been on Zofran (read CANCER drug) for my nausea, and have still been throwing up many times a day. (I’ve been trying to figure out all week how to tell the story of driving home from Jena’s the other day and throwing up in the car in a funny- non gross way. Still haven’t figured it out.)
This pregnancy, and being on Zofran has made me that much more afraid of cancer. CANCER=WAY WORSE than Pregnancy.
Anyhow, so they were worried.
And they made me come in, and they put me on Zofran AND Promethazine. You shoulda seen the pharmacist yesterday when I went to pick up my script and told him I was on both. Now there was sympathy!
And the Dr. told me to come back in two weeks because they want to monitor my weight.
And then the Dr. gave me an ultrasound.
Ultrasound = VERY HAPPY MOMMA!
And I got to see sweet baby girl.
Pictures to follow, when I get up the energy to go downstairs and scan my print.
And that made me happy – like, oh yeah, I can do this. And the Dr. pointed out each finger on her hand.
And I thought – throwing up two weeks ago when I was throwing up so hard my whole body was in convulsions – well, that grew that little finger right there.
And throwing up in the car on the way home from Jena’s – well, that probably grew that little thumb.
And each time I rush for the sink, or lay in bed shaking with the inevitable, well, all it does is push energy into her little body that needs it right now. So, I’m happy to help.
Well, maybe happy isn’t the right word.
PS – Over the past couple weeks I’ve been re-reading through my blog, trying to find entries of the “sick” parts of my pregnancies. At these times I have been uncharacteristically silent. I think it’s because no one likes a party pooper. And I am a mo’ downer these days. But I’ve decided to write about these times for this pregnancy because – well, so I can remember. Not remember so I can pity myself, but remember so I can have compassion for others who will inevitably suffer the same and worse – so I can show up in their lives when they need me, and I will be able to help them without them having to explain their encumbrance. I want to remember so I can be better.
I am sorry you are so sick, that sounds awful! I heard a quote once that said “we read to know we are not alone.” And in that light I think sometimes it’s good to hear someone else’s story through plain ol’ non-rose colored glasses to know that no one is alone in their struggles. Congrats on the baby girl!!
Hey Girl!
I hope that the Zofran/Promethazine combo work for you. I was on both for a little while but then I got constipated really bad (sorry for the info), but I just want you to be careful and make sure to take some stool softeners. I wish we lived closer so I could come play with your kids and babysit them for you. We miss you guys a ton. Ps. i must not be very smart because I haven’t figured
(sorry Aubrey his submit before I was done) out how to post a comment. I can reply to others comments, but that seems to be it still. There are many of your posts that I have had very AWESOME comments– some funny, some insightful, and many thought provoking. Sadly, you will never know those comments from me because I did not make them, so they are Lost. For now, I will start replying to comments until I can figure it out. I wouldn’t want you to miss out on anymore AMAZING comments. Love you bunches…. keep on keeping on!
You are a trooper!!! I hope you do okay on the new meds – CANCER = SCARY!!! I hope they don’t use that word with you. We will keep you in our prayers. I appreciate and love reading your blog. It makes me know that I’m not alone. I just feel bad that you are so sick! Hang in there – I love the attitude. Roar, Momma, Roar