This week has the feeling of finals week in college, during a semester with a heavy academic load, and not enough studying. I feel like a chicken with my head cut off, running around in panic and chaos.
The only goal I had for myself was to have the house all packed up by Friday night before Date Night. Not overly ambitious (I didn’t think) with a whole week. Well, Date Night starts in twenty minutes, and I’m sitting in a room only half packed–one of the more packed up rooms in the house.
So what have I been doing all week? Have I been loitering in laziness? No. But there’s been so much going on this week! I’ve been doing some web work–a mess I don’t care to go in to. My cousin Anna is moving on Sunday to Washington State, so I’ve been spending as much time with her as I can. We’ve been buying and planting trees, and going back and forth to a nursery where we’re buying shrubs & bushes (an awesome deal! Maybe I’ll write about that later). My mom is in town, and my sister showed her horse (not that I went to see, but it was on my list). Oh yeah, and Thursday was Wyatt & my five year anniversary. Not to mention the floors are getting refinished & the bathroom redone (But we’re saving that for tomorrow). Then there’s Women’s Conference, and then to top it all off, I teach Gospel Doctrine on Sunday.
I admit, the stress is starting to get to me. Wyatt said he’d take me on a nice date tonight. Instead I got a babysitter, and we’re going to spend the evening packing. 😛