One of the comments I get every once in a while from well-meaning people that just drives me UP THE WALL is the comment – “Oh, enjoy it.”
As in – enjoy your time with your littles.
Enjoy the messes. Enjoy the tantrums. Enjoy the sticky sludge that constantly coats my walls from 30 inches on down.
When ever I hear comments like this I want to pull my hair out.
Not because I don’t think they understand the pressure and effort required to a mother of young children . . .
but because this comment clearly indicates that this person is not in touch with me . . .
Because I DO enjoy it. Every minute. Even in the witching hour. Even when four lovelies are having a tantrum at the same time. Even when four children are sick at the same time. Even when the house is a mess, or no one will eat their dinner, or I am on the verge of losing my temper, or even after I’ve lost my temper . . . I still enjoy it. There’s never any place I’d rather be than living this life, with these amazing people who fill me up every day with so much happiness that I have to vomit it all back up onto this blog!
Just watch me enjoy it!
Ha ha ha! I absolutely LOVE you!